Monday, May 14, 2012

Sirloin Steak Vegetable Rolls & Rice Crisps!

 GREAT NEWS FIRST OFF!...Small delay on the publishing of the two shown cookbooks below due to fact that my dad, the chef himself, has agreed to chip in a chapter of his own in the cookbook!  Exciting delay.  SECONDLY, last week I came up with another tasty and healthy recipe to add to the cookbook of healthy eating.  Sirloin Steak Vegetable Rolls.  A quick dinner on the go.....sirloin steak for meat lovers with the vegetables for nutrition cooked right inside the meat!
 In the Raw
I've been into baking my own rice crisps lately which are soooo yummy and crunchy just like store bought chips.  The recipe for these will be in my cookbook, but if you want to try it out right now, the recipe by itself can be found in my culinary elegance shop link of:

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