Friday, April 29, 2011

Yesterday's "Sewing"

Last night I went home very motivated to begin sewing designs with my new fabric, but I was tired from a very busy week last week, so I didn't pull out my sewing machine. I looked at my sewing machine, even walked by it a few times, but chose not to use it. Like I've mentioned before, as a free lance designer when you're tired, it's better to put off sewing rather than try to wing it b/c you will mess up your designs b/c your creativity isn't all there! :-) I do have designs on paper of what I will sew, so the biggest part, figuring out the design is done, now I just have to do it!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here is my New Fabric To Work!

Here are the fruits of the sale I caught at Hancock Fabric yesterday. I got all of this material to work with, plue thread (not shown) and I have to admit a small bag of candy (:-) ) for $24.00. What a blessing. Last night I begin to think up designs that I can use this fabric for. Tonight I'll begin the sketeches on paper of the designs in my head, and I haven't forgotten about finishing up my last design either. I always finish what I start. Can't wait to dive into these. (The green satin fabric was a full yard, but I cut it before taking the photo of it. Oops, but at least you can see how it looks....obviously, I'm choosing to work w/it first since I've already cut it. :-) I also shot a photo of the sheer blue fabric up close so you all can see the pin stripe pattern in it. I'm pretty excited with my thrifty purchase!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Fabric Today---Designing New Fashion Designs!

I'm so very happy with the blessing I just experienced. I went to Hancock Fabrics store to buy new fabric to make new designs for my shop. (I'm back off of vacation mode for my shop now.) I just bought EIGHT different NICE types of striped, satin, cotton, you name it, some thread, and I couldn't resist my sweet tooth urge at the counter while checking out to grab a bag of candy. I got the fabric, the thread, and the candy all for $24.00 dollars! Wow! The lady behind me in line was surprised to, she told me, "you sure got a lot for little money." I can't wait to sketch up new designs for my shop and actually begin working on them. While I'm fabric shopping I do run thoughts in my mind on what I can make with each piece of fabric, so I have ideas, just no sketch to turn my ideas into reality. Stay tuned in for my finished products which I will post in my shop to sell the designs. I love designing spring and summer designs. Totally my personality!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thrift Store--Save Money

This is NOT one of my original designs that I'm modeling, rather it is a thrift store outfit that I put together. I love being thrifty and saving every penney, especially these days. I have a great friend who is fantastic at finding sales at grocery stores, stores at the Mall, and THRIFT STORES. Taking the time to browse thrift stores can prove to be worth the time when you find things with the orginal store tags on them and get them for about 90% off! I've gotten a $100 genuine leather pair of shoes for $10 before w/the tags still on them. This outfit that I'm modeling, EVERYTHING (except the belt and necklace) came from a thrift store ALL for under $10 FOR THE ENTIRE OUTFIT and everything is nice quality. Definitely what I call a proverbs 31 find. This week, back to my own designs though! My vacation week away from designing has ended. Back in business!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Food Designing This Week...Back to Fashion Designing Next Week!

Last week and the beginning of this week were very hectic for me in a good way to say the least. Hard to believe it's already Wednesday and midweek, but it is. I have not had time to complete my rose top design, so knowing myself I will have it completely finished by NEXT WEEK'S end. I have figured out what I will do with it to finish it. It should be really lady like and cute when I'm finished with it, and of course I will post a picture of me modeling the finished top when I'm done.

This week I've been designing food! :-)! Here are a few photos of my latest "food designs." :-) Thanks to a few wonderful friends that have been giving me great recipes to test. They are all turning out beautifully!

Monday, April 11, 2011

CC's Latest Spring/Summer Fashion Designs!

This weekend was a hectic one for me to say the least. My weekends are my "homemaking work days" and this one was heavy spring cleaning, so I was wiped out by Sunday's end yesterday! However, I was still determined to squeeze in some sewing time on my latest designs. I decided to make my giraffe satin fabric into a simple A-Lined straight skirt. A-Lined straight skirts are in fashion this season which is perfect for me since those kind of skirts work well on me. I finished it and modeled it with a spring/summery white blouse accented by a leopard fashion belt that a friend gave to me. I'm happy with it and it's very comfortable!

I also worked on my rose satin ladies top that I've been designing. I did NOT completely finish it, but I have the main base of it done! I will be adding embellishments to it that I honestly haven't completely decided on yet which is why I didn't finish it yesterday. I'm thinking of adding a sewn on fabric rose to the front, or having someone knit a red cardigan to wear with it. I have lots of ideas and options, just haven't decided which way I will go yet to finish the design. I modeled it with a simple black skirt with a sheer top layer for the spring/summer feel and I chose dressy flip flops as the shoes to give it a more in season relaxing look. High heeled pumps could also be worn with it giving it a more dressy feel. In the meantime, here's me modeling the base of my design. It's such lovely fabric!

A Woman and Her Shoes!

So everyone has something that they collect and love. I just finished Spring Cleaning my home and as usual have discovered that I have a shoe addiction! My house is like a shoe store. I have shoes in my closet, shoes in my laundry room, shoes and tons of slippers by my bed in the Master Bedroom. Even though they are in an organized fashion being that I'm a obsessively neat person, I still have many. Yesterday, after finishing up spring cleaning my home, I decided to take a photo of my remaining shoes that I have. That's right, remaining shoes. I threw out about 10 pairs of shoes that I never wear. I know, I should have taken them to Goodwill, but I know myself and would never make it there! Who needs a shoestore when there's one in your own home!

Friday, April 8, 2011

An Unexpected Evening Taken Away :-)

I had an unexpected food allergic response yesterday evening to something, so I didn't get to work on my design with most of my evening shot. However, I did manage to pull myself up around 10PM and got about 15 to 20 minutes of sewing on lining in. I still have a LOOOONG ways to go to finish this design. It WILL get done soon. I'm determined, even with a very busy house cleaning weekend coming up!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sneak Peek of UNFINISHED Newest Design Project

Here is a sneak peek of the latest design that I'm working on in the VERY raw. It's not nearly done as you can see, I still have quite a bit of work to do on it to get it as I want, but so far I'm happy with it. I worked on it last night until I got too tired to think straight and I've learned from past experiences as a designer, when you become tired, it's time to turn the sewing machine off lest you mess up your design when your brain is not fully in awake mode. :-) I'm excited! I think this outfit is going to turn out really feminine and in good taste. So blessed to have found this fabric on sale!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Fabric To Work

Last week I bought fabric at a 50% off sale at Hancock's. I love sales and coupons! I try to be thrifty in this economy trying to be a woman of Proverbs 31. I love making fashionable things that are in good taste, yet are feminine and not like a potato sack. It's hard for me to go shopping to find something that I like b/c a lot of things are so inappropriate to me, or they are the complete opposite where you look like a nun.

Here is the fabric out of that purchase that I'm choosing to work with next. I think it's just beautiful and it's Satin that normally is $10 a yard in which I would never pay that much for it. I intend to make spring/summer designs from it. I begin the sketch in my head on my newest design. This is a VERY BUSY time of year for me, so my desiginging has slowed down just a bit for the next 2 weeks, but whenever I snag a moment I take it and design and sew!