Monday, March 25, 2019

Zach and Arianne

 My little friendly tribute to Zach and Arianne B.!  So happy for them.  They had a beautiful wedding ceremony.  Despite the fact that my allergies were maxing out yesterday from pollen and stirring up dust from cleaning my home, I wasn't going to miss their wedding since I had nothing contagious.  This is the first wedding in awhile where I didn't have any responsibilities, so it was nice to just show up and to be able to attend in honor of these two.  Two super special and serving friends that I'm blessed to know.  Back when Zach was a young, poor Freshman at AC I never forgot how he volunteered to take out and pay for a senior citizens dinner we had.  I was impressed for a young person to take the initiative to do that.  Arianne has also been so loving and mature.  We played a game at my place with some of her AC classmates back in the day; and during the game many of them said her favorite character quality was of being nurturing and loving.
(Congrats also to the wonderful Daryl and Stephanie Hochstetler on their big day.  I woke up sick the day of their wedding and missed it.  Didn't want to pass on my illness, but I was so happy for them too!)