Monday, February 29, 2016

Children's Party!

 Pics from the children's party yesterday hosted by Harley and Tonya B. at my brother and sister in laws place.  The children are so adorable.  I think there were around 30 children that came.  I am careful about what I post publicly, and not all parents would want their child's pic shown publicly, so I'm guessing anyway.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Piano Blog Post #4

I've been sick, so that put a "damper" .......piano pun intended, on my piano practice for a week.  This video isn't my best practice video, played it without warming up and from memory, so the playing is pretty dry and imperfect, but it's up for fun and is a practice video.  Still working on metering, pedaling, putting feeling and emotion into playing, and adding other musical affects into the songs.  Anyway, I recorded this on a Saturday night.  The first real evening I've felt "well" in about one week.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Texas BBQ Sauce

TEXAS BBQ sauce!!!  Ahhh, thanks to the Schuett's for thinking of me and sending up some homemade sauce via my brother last weekend!  It was delivered safely, and the fam and friends all know how yummy I think Texas BBQ sauce is.  I'm a little biased though.  #Texan  This is blog worthy.  There is a little inside joke that a few of the friends know about me and a Texas BBQ Sauce moment years ago.  ;-)!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Fav Quote

Piano Lessons Update Blog Post #3

I have gotten back into the swing of things as far as piano practicing goes.  A lot of discipline is the name of the game.  I'm enjoying it.  I'm being reminded that piano lessons and playing are kind of a reflection of your personality.  It can help you see and overcome certain quirks too.  I know that sounds strange, but it's true.  Anyway, above is me practicing a simple Bach piece this AM before heading to work.  I'm having trouble putting emotion into Bach pieces, so below, my lovely teacher, Elyssia, demonstrated playing with emotion during my last lesson.  Anyway, this is update post 3.  I won't always tweet these blog posts as I didn't post 2 with a Chopin teaser.  These are just little personal fun posts of growth.  :-)  For the most part I will just blog them.  When I feel like I have a song technically accurate; there is so much more to playing than just knowing the notes on the page; I will play them all in entirety instead of just a "teaser."  :-)  This post is for a lovely musical friend, Jamie, who is far away now, but still a great friend!

The Delivery! :-)

 My blessing was delivered by the company safe and sound yesterday.  My "Martha Stewart" moment below.  ;-)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mariachi Pose :-)

Posing with the director of the Mariachi band and Mr. Heyer.  I have to say, I really like their outfits.  They look very rustic "cowboyish" and kind of Texan actually.  :-)  I also learned that for some of them Spanish is their first language though their Spanish speakers know enough English to have a conversation.  Duhhh, I should have known that right.  Now I know!  I'm even more stoked for the concert they will be putting on at Armstrong Auditorium tonight after meeting their director! I'm definitely not the kind of person who is into being with whoever is deemed to be big or popular, we're all people, but I have to say, their director is one of the most humble people in show business that I've ever seen.  Nice man.   (Thanks to Joshua Sloan for taking the photo.  :-)  )

The Latest Blessing

I try to shy away from posting things that only directly involve me since social media can easily be used as a selfish medium, but there are a few rare things that stand out in life that I like to share.  This is probably mostly exciting to me, but it is such a big physical blessing that I wanted to share it.  A few months back, the nice side by side door style frig that I had, had for years went out on me, so in not being hasty and in trying to use wisdom in not being rich so to speak, I bought a second hand one off of Craigslist to tie me over until I was able to specifically save up and find a refrigerator that I wanted.  Well, in the interim every now and then I would look at frig's when I would be in Lowe's in person, or look at stores online etc, but I wasn't seriously looking for one yet though I had saved for one already.  Anyway, yesterday, I didn't wake up and tell myself that it was going to be the day that I was going to buy a frig, but one just fell in my lap, brand new from a big store chain, where it was an obvious blessing, and I didn't have to look any further.  With the very minimal time that I had spent in looking for a frig previously, I wasn't looking for the most expensive or nicer model frig's on the market, obviously.  Nice things are nice to have, but my priorities are elsewhere in life.  Anyway, the one that "fell in my lap" so to speak yesterday is one of the nicest kinds that a person can have.  It's french door style with the bottom freezer.  The beauty of it is that it fell in my lap, figuratively speaking, and not only did I not have to look for it, but it was marked down to an easily affordable price.  I think I probably "tortured" all of the friends that walked by my desk yesterday at work in talking pretty much non stop about my blessing.  I thought my liking to nice frigs had lessened, but apparently I'm still into the convenient machines.  :-)  I have to give props to the friends.  They are so selfless and caring.  Thanks also to the men in the office that helped me by giving me sound advice on whether to get it or not and about telling me how to check the specs on it and just listening to me about it.  They know who they are.  You all are appreciated.  Having them around is a blessing in itself being a single woman.  I feel like I have it all, God's blessings,; great friends around!  Just joking; I won't have it all until a particular big event involving many people's lives happens ;-), but it's nice to have perks along the way.  It was one of those deals that if I waited too long would have passed me by...AKA an open door shut.  It's nice to have such wonderful extended family brothers helping to look out.  I have to admit, I really like the culinary arts, so getting a super nice frig is exciting.  If I had been blessed with a new washer and dryer set in which most of my closer friends would probably tell you I need a newer set; I would have been thrilled for the blessing, but it wouldn't have been nearly as personally exciting to me! ...and my old washer and dryer set still works, so I'm fine with them.  God knows us for sure!  Anyway, It's just a frig, and yes I did need a new one, but it's really the fact that God has been really looking out for me here recently just over the past few months really so much in my life that it's kind of overwhelming.  Yes, I have my trials, don't we all, but God always compensates and it's exciting.  Anyway, since I entertain a lot the frig will be used to serve.  One thing that I've learned in my particular life at least is that blessings only come when you are serving and usually the blessing that comes has something to do with the service.  Anyway, just wanted to share.  It's just exciting with all of the literally out of this world things that have been happening in life just here recently.  Again, the frig is just a little physical thing among other blessings in life, but it's such a blessing b/c it's a much nicer one than I would have bought on my own for myself.  It definitely was gifted.  God definitely looks out!

Monday, February 1, 2016