Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Latest Design!

I finished my latest design. Here it is! Now, on to work on another design! My creative juices are flowing, but there is one problem, not enough time to do them all!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sneak Peek of an UNFINISHED Design!

I went to Hancock Fabric yesterday b/c they were having a 50% off sale and I managed to find some great deals, BUT when I got home, I had my mind set to finishing up one of my spring fashion designs, but I realized in my haste in the store I had reached for the WRONG sized zipper, SO, I will have to go back today and buy the right sized zipper to finish my design! Everything is finished on this ladies top that I'm designing except for sewing the zipper in the back, and sewing on a big bow I added with the design. Here is a photo of the unfinished design. When I finish it, hopefully tonight!....I'll model a photo of me wearing it. I'm planning to make a pair of cute feminine shorts to go with it. I haven't started those yet! Then, I will design some more spring/summer ladies tops out of fabric that I got on sale yesterday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So last night I had to put my car in the shop, so I went to a friends house while my car was in the shop, so I didn't get to work on any of my fashion designs since I didn't get home until late. However, a friend of mine that is into crocheting design, custom made me a spring hat to celebrate winter getting out of here. I love hats. I think they make a woman look that more feminine and appealing in the right way if you find the right stylish hat. She did a great job on it. Here's a photo of me posing with her design.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Time for Spring and Summer Designs

With winter finally coming to an anticipated end, it's time for me to begin working on spring and summer fashion designs. I'm currently designing a spring/summer fashion ladies top. I'm hoping to be done with it by this weeks end in between my very hectic schedule. I'll post a photo of it once I'm done. Thank you all for checking out my fashion designs blog that I have just started! I hope you all will enjoy reading it every now and then. I have attached a photo of a blue dress design that I created as well as my latest sash in my etsy shop.