Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Family Fun Aunt and Niece Times!

This summer, I got to spend a lot of time with my beautiful niece.  She is growing up soooo fast!  Anyway, ABOVE is a pic we shot for fun. While her parents were out celebrating their anniversary with dinner, we got to spend some fun Aunt/Niece time together.  Spending time with family is priceless.
BELOW:  The night right before the anniversary babysitting evening; thanks to a lovely friend for inviting my sister in law, myself, and my niece over for a "ladies night in" while the men were at spokesman club.  The evening turned into what we can call a "Cinderella night."  Sophia came in her little princess dress and asked if we could watch the new with real live actors; Cinderella which I thought was a really good movie as I've never seen Cinderella before and I liked how it was clean and promoted good character instead of looks and other things.  Anyway, in the movie, Cinderella was on a swing and it inspired my niece to want to swing, and fortunately for her, our friend had just the swing in her backyard, so after the movie, we went out to swing.  Good times!
 BELOW:  Going back in time about maybe one month ago, we had a girls night and had head scarf fun.  The sweetest thing that Sophia told me that particular evening when playing with head scarfs was "I want to be just like you."  She also had started talking about her dad and mom a lot, and how she adores them.  Ahhhh, children make you feel soooo loved sometimes!  I never thought it would be such a blessing to be an Aunt.