Sunday, June 22, 2014

Coffee and Tea Social--JAFH

These food pics only represent a tip of the iceberg on the food spread at the coffee/tea social in the field house mincon weekend.  The food, fellowship, and decor was fab!
I didn't post all pics.  Since I got hacked last week and someone used my name in identity theft, it has made me a lot more conscious of things, so I will be being more careful about what I post publicly.

 I love this pic of Aimee, and it was sooo great to see Sarah E. in town visiting in person!

I have to hand it to the teen boys!.....I didn't see their goofy faces when I was taking the pic, only saw it when getting the pics out of my camera.  Those boys!  :-)
Skye had to get a goofy selfie in.  Love this gal!

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