Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Making & Putting up Safari Netting!

A few posts back I knew I wanted to put safari netting up for my bed since I have netting up in the guest room in my home...well, I started that project today.  It's shimmering gold netting...the photo doesn't show the gold as shiny, but it is....Believe it or not...8 yards is what you see in the pic, yeah....so I have to go and get 10 more yards to finish the other half.  I can't believe how much fabric it takes!  Wish I had known how much to get when I was in the fabric store!
The beauty of it is that God blessed me with a 50% OFF coupon...so check out how much I saved shown on the receipt.  Yeah, it's great to have God helping you ont in every aspect of life!  Wow, 50% off!

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