Monday, December 31, 2012

Behind the Scenes Photos From Jeremiah Musical

A few behind the scenes pics at Jeremiah Musical yesterday.  Love this photo of Audrey Locher and Lindsay Eagle.  They did great in the show!  It went great...was a full house...every seat was filled and people were even standing at Armstrong Auditorium.  Was a blessing to even be a part of it.  ALL PHOTOS that I took at www. 
Was proud of Justin Bacon...he did an excellent job portraying the role of Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar!....ummm he played the dictator part a little too well.  ha, ha!  Good job Justin!
Love this pic of Paula Powell and Katherine Harmon getting some shut eye before putting on costumes and going on stage.  Love the expressions in this photo.....Paula Powell looks like she's thinking...."great, there's Carolyn AGAIN taking photos and I haven't even drunk my coffee yet....leave me alone!"....and there's Katherine who looks like she's thinking, "'s so nice to have a great shoulder to sleep on."
Was so neat that Chrissy Dattolo all the way from Canada, got to perform in the musical.  Love this kid.  She got to dance with the bad Babylonian soldiers who seized the city!  That's her mom Mrs. Dattolo with her.  A family reunion week for them it has been!
That would be me.  I can't remember who took this photo, but thanks to whoever did.  I really loved my costume.  Thanks to Mrs. Cheryl Davis for making it!
The kids really enjoyed being in the musical...this is them during the musical when other parts were on stage and we were waiting on our turn to hit the stage lights!  :-)
This sleeping bag bump is Alexa Turgeon....she was smart and took a quick cat nap right before the show started.  Was a busy and intense weekend for everyone.  Not a lot of time to sleep or socialize with visiting friends and family b/c we were practicing for show Sat. Night, Sunday morning, quick lunch and then showtime!
 ....and now we have a hand showing.  :-)
 Sarah Icasiano, friend and AC student smiles with Lindsay Eagle after just "suiting up" for the show.
Love this pic of Jordy Rouzer....with the shopping bag in the pic, and the way she is posing in her costume, it looks like she's trying to bring the ancient style of women back into fashion.  :-)!  Not a bad look!  ha, ha!!!
 Hannah Estebat eats an apple before showtime making sure not to get any on her beautiful white dress!
Teens Ansley Welsh, Ashlynn McLain, and Brianna Weeks relax before showtime.

Abby Benedetti smiles in her "evil Babylonian" costume with Jordy Rouzer taking a quick cat nap in the pic, 
 Edwin Trebels poses in his get up for the musical!  Loved his costume!
 Jamie Hawkins smiles for my camera before heading on stage for showtime!
 Really like this pic of Olivia Culpepper and myself..taken before showtime! 
....and the Jeremiah Musical was a perfect opportunity for me to buy a pair of cute sandals!  Wore these in the show.  So comfy and only $10 bucks...found them on clearance at the shoe store!

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