Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Speaking Kind Words Goes A Long Ways

It's amazing how treating someone as you would want to be treated and even better goes a long ways.  I was at the post office mailing off a Scents of Happiness order and the mail clerks at the counter looked tired and worn out and weren't being very kind to the many people, especially this time of year w/so many people coming in mailing off packages.  Instead of being grateful for the post office workers people in line were grumbling about having to wait in line so long causing the workers at the counter to get even crankier with customers.  Well, I was NOT trying to be a hero or anything, not my place, and I've done my share of complaining, but I told the lady in line by me that people are so spoiled and how the post office workers were probably worn out and also tired of hearing complaining customers.  She agreed and immediately changed her frown to a smile.  When I got to the counter, I thanked the clerk that helped me and told him how much everyone really appreciated their hard work b/c without them none of our packages would be handled.  Instantly, not only the clerk that was dealing with me, but all the clerks that heard, no joke, perked up and started smiling and treating people better, and the customers that had heard were acting more respectful towards the mail clerks.  As I was walking out of the post office I was thinking how I long for the day when people will live the way of give instead of get and will genuinely build up each other instead of tearing down.
The above photo of a glass of champagne has nothing to do w/this post.....just thought it was neat.  Took it the other night after getting home after 9pm.  Long day.  Wish Melissa Brown had been around to take a decent photo...I was pretty much unsuccessful at capturing the bubbly stuff with bubbles; at least a few bubbles show

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