Sunday, December 23, 2012

Latest Miracle!--"Almost Killed in an Almost Car Wreck"

Above is a stock photo I got off the internet, so it's not the road in this blog post.

One day I was on the interstate going about 73mph.  Suddenly, the truck in front of me slammed on brakes for some reason, so I had to slam on mine.  I was taught that you always drive 2 car lengths away from the car in front of you, and on this morning, that stood me in good stead, gave my car enough time to slow down.  Well, I looked in my rear view mirror when I heard the sound of screeching tires on the SUV BEHIND ME which was NOT 2 car lengths behind me but right on my bumper practically, and realized it was slamming on its brakes to keep from hitting me.  The domino effect was happening!  Everything went into slow motion, I kept looking and obviously there was nothing I could do but hope the SUV didn't slam into me going over 70mph or I would have been dead in my little compact car.  Well, it looked like they were definitely coming in for the kill, pun intended, when they all of a sudden swerved off the road into the median grass, then I was worried they were going to get killed themselves, so I kept watching, and then to my dismay there was a concrete wall in the median in front of them, so they only had so many more seconds they could go in the median before they either lost control of their SUV on the grass and flipped, or they slammed into the concrete wall.  I was praying, and then all of a sudden about ONE SECOND before they would have slammed into the concrete wall, their SUV just stopped.  By this time, all traffic behind us had stopped.  WHEW, I THANKED GOD for saving me and the people that swerved off the road to keep from hitting me.  Definitely a miracle, I should have been dead that day and so should have the people in the SUV!  I have to admit, at first, I was mad at the truck in front of me that made me slam on my brakes but then I realized it was a domino effect, and they had to slam on their brakes for probably a car in front of them, and the SUV behind me was probably mad at me, and so forth.  We definitely need God with us whenever and whereever we go.


  1. You ain't kidding! Something similar (but involving a deer) happened to me about three weeks ago. I heard a still small voice tell me to stay behind a semi and stay about as far away from it as you were from that truck. The rest played out about the same as your incident...all because a deer ran int front of the semi.

  2. I'm always scared of a deer jumping in front of my car causing me to wreck! Good thing God protects!

  3. glad you are okey - Satan is cast down
