Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Dessert Tea

Friends know that I love taking photos of food, in fact I love it so much that I have a college degree in that! Yeah, wild, anyway, I made myself a cup of Chocolate Hazelnut Tea, yeah I know, yummy, and I put hazelnut creamer it it, topped it with whip cream, and drizzled caramel on top. The end result, well the photo tells it all!


  1. OOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhh...YUMMY!!!! Now, about the only thing that would make it even MORE if it were COFFEE!!! mmmmm.... I think I'll go do that right now!

  2. So, since you're a coffee queen, we can always remain pals then b/c you can have all of the coffee and I'll take all of the tea. The best gift I ever got a few years back was a gift basket filled with all kinds of assorted teas, for you it would be coffee! :-)
