Monday, July 22, 2013

Soul Food Night!

  Last Sunday a group of friends got together for a soul food night at the Lamberth's house.  Everyone brought a soul food dish...kind of "potluck" style.  The friends there were the Lamberth's obviously, theWelsh family minus Gianni and Ansley who are campers at PYC, Tiffany Watson, Rhonda Davis, and myself.
 Cute pic of Daniel Welsh w/his dad
 Rhonda Davis and Mr. Lamberth chat
 Danielle Lamberth and Rhonda getting ready for chow time.
 Samuel Welsh trying to avoid my camera as always.  :-)
 Daniel Welsh happy after eating dinner.  You can see his empty plate.  :-)
 It's annoying that this pic came out blurry of Sean and Gladys Welsh
 Mr. Lamberth and Danielle
 Tiffany Watson smiles after dinner
 The soul food.  Everyone made fun of me making and bringing gluten free fried chicken. aka...coating with brown rice flour.... Still trying to keep it healthy.

 Danielle's fab dessert
 The Welsh boys are SO helpful...they are always like this.  Samuel volunteered to help Danielle with the dishes all on his own which is a norm for him and all of his siblings.  The Welsh's great parenting really shows in ALL of their kids.

 Everyone getting ready to watch a movie


  1. What was the movie? Looks like everyone had a great time.

    1. :-)! I'm a VERY "movie challenged" person so I'm not sure what the title ofit was, but it was a bad guy vs cops type action flick. :-)

  2. Love it Carolyn! Miss all these events! :)
