Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Few BIG THANKS are in Order!--Blessings Galore!

 I owe several family members and friends a BIG THANK YOU this week!
First off...THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Mr. Andrew McLain who is having a very busy week, but took time out to come out to my house today and fix my back door that broke two days ago where it wouldn't shut completely.  It was nice to come home to a fixed locked door.  He is an awesome brother in Christ.  I REALLY appreciate you fixing that so fast for me!  You set a fabulous example in serving others and I'm blogging for the world to know of your thoughtfulness and kindness.  :-)!  I'm appreciative!  He owns his own construction business.  To promote his business b/c of his kindness you can find him on Twitter @perfectpergola
 Thanks to Coleen Grenchik and Kelly Havens for leaving me the above shown gifts for staying on our property for 3 weeks.  I don't know if you all read my blog, but in case you do.....Red is my fav color, and I love the zebra shaped ring holder  THANK YOU!!!  I will definitely use these and can use the towels to serve others when I have them over for brunch or dinner.  THANK YOU again!
 Thank you VERY MUCH to the King Family from Australia who sent this gift via their daughter who was here at camp.  I will definitely use this regal candle holder when I have special guests over, and of course I will wear the necklace.  THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love gifts that I can use to serve or share with others. Made my day!
 THANK YOU to my cousin Alesia Walk for these gold and black and white designer dresses above and below.  That is sweet that you thought of me to send me such nice outfits that I would never be able to afford on my own.  I am one blessed gal.  Thank you!  For others reading this my cousin Alesia looks almost identical to me.  It's neat how God designed the gene pool in people and how sometimes even cousins look so much alike.

 Thank you MOM for the above business suit.  I LOVE and can't wait for fall to arrive to wear it.  You are so thoughtful, so a BIG public thanks to you so that everyone will know I have the best mother in the world!  :-)!
Even though this pic wasn't taken this week but earlier this month.  A BIG THANK YOU to my dad for always making sure my yard gets mowed. I really, really appreciate it!

 Thank you Aunt Mary, for the above and below business suits and skirts.  You have made my upcoming fall wardrobe complete.  Now I am in need of nothing.  I will never complain.  God has really been blessing me this week!  Thank you to the BEST Aunt in the world!
 Feminine pleats in the skirt to the suit shown above

Thanks to my buddy Gladys Welsh for two summer shirts.  One in which I wore to work yesterday as a matter of fact.  My camera just died, so I can't get a pic of it, but THANKS.  

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