Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Fabric To Work

Last week I bought fabric at a 50% off sale at Hancock's. I love sales and coupons! I try to be thrifty in this economy trying to be a woman of Proverbs 31. I love making fashionable things that are in good taste, yet are feminine and not like a potato sack. It's hard for me to go shopping to find something that I like b/c a lot of things are so inappropriate to me, or they are the complete opposite where you look like a nun.

Here is the fabric out of that purchase that I'm choosing to work with next. I think it's just beautiful and it's Satin that normally is $10 a yard in which I would never pay that much for it. I intend to make spring/summer designs from it. I begin the sketch in my head on my newest design. This is a VERY BUSY time of year for me, so my desiginging has slowed down just a bit for the next 2 weeks, but whenever I snag a moment I take it and design and sew!


  1. Great finds on fabric! I love your statement on being a Proverbs 31 woman...me too! That is my goal in life. I hope you have a very blessed week!

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you liked my proverbs 31 comment! True womanhood. Have a great day ahead.
