Monday, February 23, 2015

Beautiful Snow Pics!

Excuse my poor video shooting.  Shot this out of the front door of the Hall of Administration of Armstrong College looking at the magnificent Armstrong Auditorium.  I thought it was so beautiful...that is since I was indoors and also have a big brother who is kind enough to drive me in to work when the roads are hazardous. I realize how blessed I am to have someone to look out for me in that way. Even though I'm not that fond of winter weather, I can't miss the beauty of God's artistic creation in it.
Below:  When I got home I felt like going outside my place and shooting "snow pics."  I'm usually not the outdoor type, so maybe the cold air froze my brain temporarily.  :-)  Our great Pyrenees dogs were looking at me like they thought I was crazy.  This is one of those random posts just sharing pics that I took that I don't want to "go to waste."  :-)
Beautiful snow in my front yard.  Yes, that is my place with black shutters on the front, but since everyone uses the back as the entrance, no one ever sees this side including myself.  It looked so peaceful with the snow surrounding the house.  This pic makes me realize how God has looked out for me too.  I had this place built 10.5 years ago when I was only 24 years "young" and it has been used to have so many people in and out with dinners, out of town guests visiting town needing a place to stay/sleep. No way I could have done this on my own....God did that.  Nothing physical is permanent and can change in a heartbeat, but it's nice to have those perks throughout life's journey.  :-)  I think I should start a book of blessings or something for personal inspiration.  I don't care for winter that much, but something about the snow makes me reflect. they said we would get maybe one inch of snow, but judging by the fruits....I don't think so.  This is my feet w/boots on, and they are almost completely submerged.

 I guess she is enjoying eating the snow.


  1. Wow, it really is so peaceful and beautiful!

    1. It was! I usually don't care for the wintry mix, but this was actually real snow. :-)!
