Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Twisted" Food Bloopers

Yesterday evening after work I was excited to come home and bake my light and smooth strawberry cream pie recipe to see if it could be added to The Cookbook of Culinary Elegance.  (It was successful.)  I baked it and several other things into the night feeling great to have a free evening to be at home and baking.  Even made myself a cocktail.  WELL, turns out my free evening was "twisted" b/c today, I went to work and someone asked me how Jeremiah Musical Choir Practice had gone, and I told them we had no choir practice last night and I was sure I was right until I flipped through my emails and found Mr. Malone's practice schedule email for "The Jermiah Musical The People's Chorus" schedule and OOPS I had accidentally skipped practice.  What did I do?  I had to email Mr. Malone and apologize.  There was no excuse I could come up with; what was I going to say I mean I was baking a pie and enjoying myself!  :-)  I was even prepared for him to kick me out of the musical for not showing up, but he was very nice and said he understood.  That's what I get for not looking at my day my relaxing evening was at an expense.  Oops!
Tonight, day after the choir skipping blooper, I realized I'm just tired and need sleep; something has been going on every night lately.  I was cutting up garlic and looked down and realized my cutting board was turned upsidedown.  I don't ever remember cutting on a cutting board on the "flipped side."  I'm still up, but probably should be in bed.  At least I didn't catch the house on fire!

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