Friday, September 21, 2012

Healthy Granola Bars!

Mrs. Harrison sent me a recipe for healthy granola bars.  They are sweetened with honey, so they are gluten, but honey is natural, so every now and then I'll "get wild" and have some honey which is very healthy for normal people who get to eat gluten!  :-)  Anyway, THANKS to Mrs. Harrison for sending me this recipe.  I now have a new party treat that's healthy for guests!
(following recipe I was sent) Not shown, but I poured oats (half old fashion oats style and the other half gluten free steel cut oats) on non greased baking sheet and baked for 10 minutes at 350F.  Also, not pictured melted honey and olive oil together in a sauce pan.  Once this was done, poured oats into honey and oil sauce pan along with slivered almonds, as well as all natural TOTALLY unsweetened chocolate; not 70% unsweetened chocolate, but TOTALLY unsweetened and mixed everything together.
Put waxed/parchment paper on a small 10X15 baking sheet and evenly distributed the granola mix packing it down tightly onto the baking sheet on top of the wax/parchment paper.  Put in oven and baked for 10 minutes.  Removed from oven and let cool completely.  Put in freezer overnight, and this morning cut the bars apart.  (Easier to get a clean cut when they are frozen.  BTW--they taste really good eaten frozen; crunchy granola bars; if you eat them thawed they are the chewy granola bars.
Vahlah!  Finished healthy homemade granola bars!  So excited to know how to make another new favorite healthy snack!  It's always more fun using someone elses recipe too!  You never never know how they will turn out first time you make it.  Fun!  :-)

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