Friday, September 14, 2012

New Fall Blouse and Skirt Gift!

A great friend of mine, Gladys Welsh, got me this outfit for a fall gift.  Funny thing is the red top is a BLOUSE NOT A SKIRT!  When I first got it, I was like what a nice skirt!  Gladys told me it was a fashion top that I would want to sew straps on....I was like WHAT it's a Blouse!.....I didn't even know what it was.  I will be sewing on straps of some sort like Gladys mentioned when I have time to make this "kosher" for me.  I think ladies should dress fashionably but modestly and strapless outfits are not lady like in my book.  Thanks Gladys for my outfit; even if it was so fashionable I thought the blouse was a skirt!  :-)  Below shows the full outfit with the actual skirt below the top!  :-)


  1. Haha! But you're so skinny now you probably could wear the blouse as a skirt! ;) Thanks for sharing it with us, looks gorgeous and I'm thinking you'll look super fabulous in it! :)

  2. Did the actual skirt come with the blouse? What a beautiful match up! Can't wait to see a picture of you in it!

  3. Ha, ha Queen Lightwell. I'll go with that skinny comment though ha, ha! Hi Rita. The skirt came with the blouse. Yes, I need to just sew in some straps. I have to design them first. Now that I'm back, I can pull out my sewing machine again. Plan to sew this weekend some!
