Friday, September 21, 2012

Rice :-)

So now they are saying rice contains arsenic.  A few years back they were saying wheat was tampered with. I'm sure it's very true, but whole grain is always good.   I heard about the arsenic in rice.  I'm not buying 100% into that.  I buy the whole grain brown rice flour; grown with no chemicals or pesticides, so I think if God made it to eat, and it’s not tampered with, grown all natural, it’s fine.  Oriental people have been eating rice for centuries as their main entrée most of their lives, and they usually have a longer life span than other nationalities, so I’m not fully buying into the “new research.”  What was it two weeks back it was discovered organic food wasn’t any better than non organic.  I was like, what, of course food that is grown without chemicals would be better to ingest; more cancer free; duh right.  :-)!  Guess that's why we pray over every meal.


  1. Definitely why we pray over every meal! I actually heard WHY arsenic is found in our rice, etc., now. It's actually leftover in the soil from when arsenic in pesticides was dumped on farmland. Sooo, it's residual. Stinks. Anyway, Kingdom come!
