Tuesday, April 24, 2012

FINISHED!...New Mens Necktie Designs!

 Here is an update to the neckties that I begin making 2 weeks back.  I have finished these four and still working on the other two!  I'm happy with them and they will go for sale in my shop.
With the swanky orange reversible fabric; used both sides to make a tie...the light side and the brighter orange side...though I personally favor the lighter side for the tie.
 My fav of the bunch!  Love this blessing fabric...got it for $1.00 a yard!
 My second tie with this fabric.  If this tie design looks familiar it's b/c I made Conner Brown one last year and he's worn it before singing special music on the AA stage.  Here is tie number two of this type going for sale in my shop.
Felt like posting a behind the scenes shot of my very zebra-e sweet sewing machine!  This thing is sooo helpful!


  1. Carolyn, I love that skirt!!! And it's in my favorite color too":-) Nicely done. May have to send you my measurements and some $$mulla$$ to make me one...

    By the way, it shows your lovely, feminine shape";-)

  2. Thanks! It's one of my favorite own designs. :-)
