Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pics from Our "Holding Down the Fort" Pizza Lunch Party at HQ!

 Most of AC is gone on vacation over to Robbers Cave a long ways from here!
A few HQ personnel have to stay behind each year to hold down the fort.
I don't like camping, so I REALLY LIKE staying behind...sort of like a "staycation" w/so many gone!  I actually saw the masses of vehicles pulling off campus this morning heading out in the yearly big caravan to the camp and was like, okay, party time, they're gone!  :-)!!!
This year, "the cool people" who stayed back had a pizza party for lunch to make our own fun.  I love planning fun parties, so why not have an office pizza party of our own!  The thought occurred to me this morning that I love my job as receptionist for HQ.  I get to, everyday, live my feminine role of being the helpmeet to all of HQ by being it's official hostess.  The training and opportunity God is giving all of us in our lives is priceless!  Thanks to my brother and Gladys Welsh for the pics!
ABOVE:  Pic of the pizza's arriving via delivery guy!
BELOW:  Pic of Paula Powell, Chelsey Weeks, and Paulette Corey

 The lovely Jason and Brooke Cocomise and their CUTE son Titus!
 Chloe likes her pizza!  Yum!

 .. I took a pic of Gladys Welsh, but it didn't come out well, so I didn't post it to spare myself from getting beat up for posting it, but she, on the other hand, snuck this shot of me. I didn't even see her take it until she emailed it to me.  She and Deepika Azariah, both of whom dodged the camera,  had me to order in spaghetti for them instead of pizza, so I'm sorting out their meal in the above pic.
 Homemade chocolate cake made by Paulette, and store bought chips and garlic bread for the sides!
 The man in the blue w/half of his face shown is David Vejil.  The only shot I could catch him in.
 The spaghetti dinner people's meals.
 Benjamin Tauer and my brother.  Oops, too much sun in the pic.
ABOVE:  Patrick Hogan dishing him up some pizza.

A shot with Philip Nice in it!

BELOW:  These two pics having nothing to do w/our pizza party, but here are pics of my first making of homemade beef jerky.  It came out fab...Here's what I did...
It took 6 hours to dehydrate in the oven on the lowest heat on my oven which was 170F.  I marinated the very thin cut beef sirloin for 3 days in a homemade marinade I made up.  (I used beef sirloin b/c it doesn't have much fat which is important to dehydrating meat to avoid spoilage.)  I put the marinated raw beef up on a rack with a pan under it to catch the meat juice dripping off, and to  provide air flow to the meat underneath to dry it.  After 6 hours vahlah, yummy beef jerky!
 Below Pic...All Done!  Yummy if I might say so myself! :-)

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