Saturday, October 26, 2013

Odds and Ends in Carolynville This Week!

 Above:  Melinda Brown, great friend, made the above wool scarf for my dad.  She is talented.  Wish I could crochet.  Took lessons when I was a kid from a lady, but I didn't really want to be in the class and didn't pay attention, so it turns out my parents didn't want to continue to "pay for me" if I wasn't going to take it seriously!  :-)  If only I could go back in time!  Good to have Proverbs 31 friends that are talented in that area to pick up the slack!
 Speaking of my parents...above is a pic of my mom and yes, that is me, author of this blog, when I was a baby...ummm I definitely was NOT a cute baby...I think anyway!.  Oh well!  Also, I want to mention that I really appreciate my parents publicly because I may be be grown now, but they are totally in my life and very helpful, and I KNOW they keep up with me by reading this hi Dad and Mom.  I know you see this.  :-)!!!
 Deepika Azariah cooked dinner for me last Tuesday before David Practice at her house.  It was absolutely yummy, and I tried her homemade Kombucha too!  I've already thanked her for this.  We've decided that every week we will have a girls dinner night.  Sounds like a plan!
 This weekend is the first weekend since August, literally, that I won't have any company....aka friends.... over all is going to be weird....already is...blessing of HQ...we always have family and friends around!......What's planned....LOTS of Bible Study, and getting little projects done such as turning the above fabric into a necktie for my CCoatsOfManyColours! shop by sewing it!  I need to get back into my sewing mode.  Since I've been back I haven't been in the mood, but I need to get there.  One of the best seamstresses here asked a few of us if we would help sew tunics...aka some of the costumes for the David Musical......and of course I got all excited and was like YES!!!  I am sooo happy to have the opportunity to serve in this way!!!!  Dream come true!  Can't wait to get the fabric and start on this project helping out!  Reminds me I need to finish a dress I'm working on for myself!  :-)
 ....and finishing these two paintings started on stretch canvas that I began working on before leaving the country....didn't like it, so I repainted over what I had done with black acrylic paint.  They will be paintings of royal crowns gifted to Jamie Hawkins and Ariel Buckler...two of the sweetest people that I have the honor of knowing.  

Not tomorrow, but next Sunday is the powderpuff football game on the AC campus.  It's no secret that I'm not that athletic.  We had practice maybe a week or two ago, and ladies and gentlemen, I cannot catch to save my life, but I can run.  During our little "scrimmage" I made a touchdown.  Was this a one time thing, or have  I found my athletic calling, we will see.  :-)  This week Mrs. Stacey Short and I are going to practice throwing a football around.  She, Olivia Culpepper, and myself are the only 30 somethings on the teams playing with 18-22 year olds, so we have to represent well.!  Looking forward to it...we even get shirts.  Sweet!

What do I get for procrastination....
Above:  At work, it's not a secret I do NOT like I always put my shredding off and off until I end up having to stay at work late after hours shredding bins...literally of things needing shredding....this was me this past week.  THREE bags of shredding.
Below:  People here know I am generally an OBSESSIVELY over the top neat person.  In my home, if someone even moves a chair out of place it bothers me, BUT with my car, for some reason, that is my life exception!  Well, my car has come to the point of NO RETURN...I keep putting off washing my car....I live on a dirt road......and now my car is so dirty it's going to have to go through one of those professional shops.  Yuck!!!  I'll clean it later on this time this weekend.  People won't recognize it once it's cleaned!  Onward I go into a new week!!!!

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