Saturday, October 26, 2013

Being Single 101! Not a Three Credit, but FREE CREDIT Course

It is great that so much attention has been on being single for those of us that truly understand the real point of "why family."  .......reproducing physically actually is to build on to the God Family going beyond just the physical into forever...the point of why we exist....etc etc...
For those of us that are single and actually get it, but are let's say late twenties and beyond, it can honestly get frustrating and annoying dealing with different aspects of singledom.  Today there was a lot of dating conversation due to turnabout weekend coming up which is nothing new to me...grew up at Ambassador in Big Sandy, strictly AS A JOKE I came up with the below funny!
DISCLAIMER:  This is only meant to be a dry humor; sophisticated funny!  This is not intended to be educational in any way.  Just real life humor!  :-)

Single Ladies:  If a man asks you out on a date, it's just a date, not a marriage proposal.  (Don't go running to your gal pals saying he likes you and that there may be something there, and that he looked happy to be with you....think practical, it was one date.  Obviously he "liked you" enough to SERVE you in this way, and if he's content in life like the Bible says to be, and living according to "the law" of course he looks happy because he is happy.  Time is precious.  Don't waste your time or your friends time talking about something made up in your head..... oh and like and love are totally different.  A man can like Italian food and be very happy to have it with him on his dinner plate, but he's definitely not going to marry his food.  If a man says he LOVES you, then that's when to go talk to the gal pals....oh you might want to talk to your minister first too!  :-))

Single Men:  If a woman talks to you, it's just that, she's just talking to you; she's not expecting you to marry her.
  (Some women may hope something more may develop and may be smiling and even be sometimes annoyingly and abnormally giggly around you, but don't worry about it, that's the way women are, more "fairy-tailish".  Most women really like jewelry a lot, but they know the jewelry is not going to marry them, yet they still like it and wear it often b/c it enhances them.  Oh, and don't worry, single women generally supply their own jewelry, so they are not expecting an engagement ring from you.  In fact, if you actually did propose to a woman, that would shock them way more than if you didn't.  So when a woman talks to you, that is just exactly what she is doing; talking to you.  If she looks happy, then she's doing what the Bible says by being content in life and obeying "the law, so no need for you to avoid talking to women, they are NOT assuming you will marry them.)

Married People:  If you see two singles of the opposite gender speaking to one another, or on a date with each other, it does not mean that they are getting married, and it also does not mean that they like each other romantically.  Obviously, they "like each other" to spend time together, but people also "like" their pets like their dog or their cat.  :-)!  When you see singles talking, or on a date, that is exactly what they are doing....talking and on a date serving each other.  You can help iron out the awkwardness by not giving singles that you see together "goo-goo eyes" and telling them that they look cute together hoping they will grow in love...we have already established that their is no such thing as fall in love.  Oh, and on another note...don't ask your single friends "Why are you single?"  That translates as "What is wrong with you?"  Not a very popular question among singles; but to answer your question, it's called not having many people to choose from and waiting on a right match to come along which translates pretty much into a miracle with the slim pickings.  We appreciate the kind thoughts in this way, but if you really want to see a wedding happen, this way of acting will "insure" <on purpose sp> that a wedding will NOT happen....You'll have to download the song "Here Comes the Bride" if you want to hear it, but then again, who really ever uses that song in their weddings nowadays anyway!  :-)

Single 101 Summary.....

Q:  Why don't marriages happen often?
A:  Marriages come from friendship, but if no one gets past the awkwardness, then no one will become friends for fear of marriage weddings.

This crash course on being single has been given free of charge as a courtesy from the school of real life.  If my parents had named me Charity, I could say donations could be made "to charity" but they didn't.  :-)!


  1. Tell them Carolyn =D

  2. ha, ha! Gotta love my dry humor. Sometimes I think I belong in the UK with my real life dry humor!

  3. LOL! Carolyn! I love it! You crack me up!!! :-) I love your humor and personally, I think it belongs in Knoxville, TN! :-) Wish you were here!
    Miss and love you always!
