Thursday, September 12, 2013

Busy Time of Year---Flute MP3

After a busy "homelife" week of getting ready for a big week next week.... friends coming and staying in my home, cleaning, would think I have a family of my own......5 loads of just me!...need to downsize......packing, tieing up loose ends, practicing two special music performances vocal and flute, getting myself ready to fly away out of the country into the sunrise not sunset, (early morning flight) I took a time out and realized how busy most people are physically this time of year, and how it distracts from the real reason of why we put ourselves through it.  It put things back into perspective for me and that calmed me way down!  I've been blowing the cobwebs, not literally, well maybe, who knows it's been so long since I've played, out of my flute preparing for special music at the feast, and while choosing a song I found an old MP3 file of Mrs. Saranga and I playing a duet from 2005.  It really relaxed me.  I've never thought this before, and not to offend any male flute players, but the flute CAN be a very feminine tender and beautiful.  I put it up on my's not in bold, but it's kind of "hidden"right under the big bold Fashion Designs 5 Title.  If you click on it, it will play.  Enjoy!  This is my last blog entry until early October!  ...will have pics from my trip, and new designs! 

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