Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Celebration!

My brother and Justin Bacon threw their annual Fourth of July Celebration yesterday at my parents house.  They are both pyro kings loving fire and anything explosive!  :-)  I was able to capture the above photo of one of their fireworks shot off last night after dark.  Beautiful!  ALL PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT ARE POSTED ON MY PRIVATE PASSWORD PROTECTED SITE:
 Keesha Jarina, Tiffany Watson, Abraham Blondeau, and Ben Baker strike a pose.  Love this pic!  We teased and called the 4th of July "Abraham Day."  Abraham enjoyed that!  Some that think more deeply might get why.
The Watermelon Pals!  (The colors of their outfits!)  Chelsey Weeks, Katherine Harmon, and Keesha Jarina look lovely!
Reagan Anderson, yes, that's little Reagan that's old enough to attend PYC this year, Mr. Harrison, and David Weeks chatting while waiting on dinner.
Stephen Lights it up w/fire while Mr. Harrison and Reagan Anderson watch.  SO HAPPY he used charcoal and not the gas this time.  I'm always scared the gas is going to go BOOM!
 Mrs. Harrison and my dad chatting.
 Conner, Melinda, and Alec Brown enjoy time with their visiting niece and nephew and cousin to Alec, Savannah, and Cineath Brown.
 My mom and Miss Dawson chatting.  My mom's outfit was really cute!
Dan Arnfield strikes a great pose!  We call him the genius around here at AC.  Smarty pants!...really he is very smart, went to his first college at like 16!
Love this pic of visiting youth from Texas, Cineath Brown...loved it so much that I Photoshopped it and turned it into the portrait below! 

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