Sunday, August 7, 2011

A VERY FUN Music Practice Session!

Only almost 10:30 and done, stick a fork in it with this weekends music blog! I'm making headway, but still a loooong ways to go in the music practices.

However, on one song, I got so into it, a total music drama queen, that when I hit the last note like a crazy woman, ha, ha, I nearly knocked over the piano bench and I had to catch myself so I didn't fall. Ha, ha! I laughed sooo hard when I watched my own practice session. I also went ahead and posted two other songs I've worked on. Go ahead laugh at me, I sure did! You can find all of my music practice sessions on my music blog at the address of:

This is a "normal" video, no drama of me playing Alla Tarantella by composer MacDowell. Been working on it when I can, and this is the end result, moving on to another song now.

This is me goofing off practicing my flute. I was totally rocking out on this one when the music started. I didn't realize how much I was into the song until I watched the video back. Totally busted up laughing at myself!

AND HERE IT IS!!! The very dramatic drama song, entitled, Tarantella, A DIFFERENT song from the othere one I played above. This one's by composer Pieczonka. When I hit the last note, I was so stoked into this fast paced song that I almost knocked the piano bench over backwards and had to catch myself. This is a classic of me being a piano drama queen. I love the flashy tunes though I need to practice this one a lot more to not miss any notes here and there, but not bad for a practice session. Enjoy and feel free to laugh at my dramatic self!


  1. Great job on Tarantella! I love that piece. You've certainly come a long way with that one.

  2. Thanks. hope you got a good laugh, I sure did. Still can't believe I nearly knocked over the piano bench!
