Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Big Guthrie, Oklahoma Fire 2014

 Here is a map that Calvin Culpepper tweaked to show what a miracle God performed for us with the big Guthrie fire that made the world news.  If you look to the bottom right and the mileage scale, you can see that the fire was less than a mile from everyone.
Tiffany Watson and Jamie Hawkins pose showing how the fire burned right to our road, Triplett Road, and then as you can see in the photo, it abruptly stopped right when it got to our road.  Our homes and 10 acres are right below the open prairie field that you see in the pic, yeah, that close.  Inspiring how God does always keep his promises of protection if we obey him.  What a faith builder we had, and what a miracle it was that we got to witness.  Awesome!  Jamie joked and said the below "no trespassing" sign kept the fire out.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a miracle and great blessing! We were praying for you all throughout that!
