Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bake Off 2012 Photos!

 Here's a few photos from the bake off that was at my house yesterday evening!  ALL of the photos are on my password protected site of www.royaltruecolours.com.
Tabitha Burks (right) won first prize for her cake, Jordanya Rouzer (left) won second place for her cake!  Congrats ladies!  Enjoy your cookware sets..you earned it!
 Group photo of contestants and judges
 Deepika didn't want me to feel left out, so she took a group photo with me in it.  Thanks Deepika!
 Jordy wanted to do a goofy pose with everyone, so here it is!
 Our wonderful judges...they did an excellent job and took it very seriously judging on appearance and on taste!
 The Baker contestants!  They were all winners in my book.  :-)  It was hard for the guys to choose the winners.
 The guys hard at work judging.
 Tabitha's winning cake!
 Jordy's runner up cake!  Umm it seems like the guys favored the cakes with fruit on them....Smart and beautiful.
 Meanwhile I made a few pizzas, threw them in the oven, and everyone had some dinner. 

 Deepika and Jordy found one of my toy keyboards and had some great fun with it.
 After the winners were announced and the prized given, everyone decided to take turns singing karaoke.  I was thrilled with what a lively fun group they were!  Above is Sherry Beezley singing karaoke to a song!
 Deepika singing karaoke to a song.  By the way, this woman is undercover...can she ever sing fabulously!
 Anthony Chibarirwe sang karaoke to a song.  It was a song I hadn't heard in years and I couldn't remember the name of it, but I liked it! 

It's no secret that Jamie Hawkins, A Young Ambassador, can sing!  Unlike everyone else, she ditched the computer and the backup music and sang with no music.  Go Jamie, you sounded great!

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