Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Lovely Vacation in Florida

Here are some pictures and videos that I compiled from a trip to Florida. 
 The trip to Florida was such a blessing and so relaxing.  Florida is a state that is dear to me because my family use to go there almost every year for the FOT back when I was a girl, and we'd take a side trip to Disney World in Orlando and Busch Gardens in Tampa.  Fond family memories there.  This trip made me finally realize how easy it is not to realize what your parents sacrificed for you to experience some of the finer physical things in this life as a result from obedience to God and His laws as we were most definitely not rich by any means.  I stayed with some lovely friends, Tiffany W. and Jamie H..  Thanks to them for their great hospitality.  We visited Tampa, Clearwater Beach, Dade City, and Orlando.  We may not have won the super bowl, but we went to Disney World.  ;-)  I honestly think that, that might have been my last trip to Disney as the world is not getting safer or better, but the opposite, so I was very happy for the opportunity that God gave and afforded me. Disney is one of those places that is suppose to be like a world utopia.  At the Magic Kingdom Disney park, there is a land called "Tomorrow Land" and at Epcot Center Disney park, there is a world there called "Future World."  You can tell that Walt Disney tried his best with the knowledge that he had, to found Disney World with high standards trying to give people a taste of what living in perfection and harmony could be as an escape from reality, and he only hired people with a certain special kind of character.  Surprisingly enough, the new generation staff still seem super friendly and happy, and are very helpful, and seem like they really love their jobs.  That is really what makes Disney World so unique. I'm back home now.....came back to PYC beginning today.  Even though most of the excitement is at the JAFH, a little bit of it filters down to the front desk of the HoA in a small way, so it's a different kind of first day back to work.  Exciting and busy, but back to real life and hitting the ground maybe not running, but speed walking!  :-)

I will try to post the pictures in story form to make it fun for friends who want to view.  If you want to see, then feel free to sit back, relax, and enjoy a virtual trip to Central Florida from Carolyn's camera eye view.  ;-)
ABOVE:  The Tampa Bay
 It all started with my sister in law so kindly driving me to the airport with her sidekick, my niece, Sophia.  Sophia was not too happy about going to the airport.  I think she thought she was going to have to go away and get on a plane, and she wasn't feeling it.  ;-)
 The flight went well to Florida except for the fact that a man who sounded like he had a serious case of the summer flu; what is the summer flu?....that is what I'm saying!  Anyway, this man sat right behind me that was coughing, hacking, sneezing, sucking in mucous, and blowing his nose for the entire flight.  I was thinking, oh great, of all the seats on this big plane, I get stuck by the person who obviously didn't care about keeping his germs to himself.  I prayed about it and tried to have a good attitude because I admit, several times I was tempted to look back and give the man a not so pleasant look, and several times thought about asking the flight attendants to spray Lysol directly on him through the whole flight, but that wouldn't have been Godly, so I just prayed, and tried to hold my breath, so to speak, as much as I could.  As soon as I deplaned, I went into the airport bathroom and practically took a shower at the sink, and then Tiffany and Jamie took me to a liquor store at my request to get some hard liquor to burn out any germs I had inhaled, and then we went to a store to get some kombucha .  With that and God's intervention, I didn't get sick, nor did Tiff or Jamie from being around me. That was a real attitude tester.  You've waited to have a great vacation, and then here comes someone spreading their germs to end it all.  It's great to have God helping out.  I get sick pretty easily from things as such, so I'm pretty sure intervention was there.  Oh, and yeah, since we were there we got a bottle of wine to go with dinner too.  Why not?  ;-)
 The next day, second day of trip, I wanted to cook dinner for my lovely hostesses, so this is what cooked up.  I love the show Master Chef where you have random ingredients and a certain amount of time to whip up something with the ingredients that you have.  I kind of did that for fun.

The third day we went to services and it was a lovely weekend.  Quite a few from HQ were in town for Irish dancing competitions.  It was kind of like Edmond away from Edmond. I was like, WHAT! a good way.  LOL  The Central Florida folk were super nice and welcoming, although there were so many visitors there I didn't talk to them as much as I might have, but it was a great day for everyone, I think anyway!  I took many more people pictures than shown, but I didn't post them all to save time, and I also tried my best to not post pics if I wasn't sure if a person would mind.  Some don't like their pictures on the 'net.  I totally understand in this crazy world.  I'm actually kind of like that myself with certain things.  Better safe than sorry!
Driving to services.

If you're looking for AC Alumni, then try Florida.  Many have been reported to be seen in that area.  :-)!

 I have to say, this pic with Zachary made my day.  His expression is a priceless Zachary one.  :-)

T'was so enthused to have the opportunity to partake of a potluck or covered dish meal, whatever you prefer to call it.  ;-)  Some yummy food was there!

After services a nice group of friends went out to dinner at Chiles. I have to say it was really nice catching up with the Buckler's.

Shot a pic of Tampa on the way back.....
The fourth day of the trip was a nice and casual day at the lovely Clearwater Beach.  No really, it's called Clearwater Beach.

Jamie made some good ole Southern grits for breakfast before we hit the beach.

Having your head in the sand is not okay, but having toes in the sand is a different story.  ;-)

Beach friends.  Jamie liked the above photo and I liked the below photo...split in the middle.  ;-)  We had such a great time!  The sun hat was not a fashion statement on my part.  It was so hot and humid and the hat kept the sun from burning my face.  Yes, I can burn in extreme heat, and it's definitely not a pretty nose peeling sight.

Oh yeah, parking at the beach is crazy expensive.  If you have a car and want to park it under the covered parking garage, bring at least $50.  We "lucked out" though I hate using the word luck I just can't think of a better more suitable word right now, and only had to pay $40...<being sarcastic!>  Ridiculous, but when you are anxious to park your car and hit the beach when it's super hot even with the car A/C on, and traffic is everywhere, actions are louder than words.  :-)
A local seaside restaurant by the beach was a nice way to experience lunch.

 Getting photo bombed by our waiter.... the end of day four we left the Tampa Bay area and drove up to Orlando.

.............we reached our hotel in Orlando which was a nice one called Caribe Royale.  I had booked it online and it pretty much measured up to its advertisement.  I thought it would be nice for Jamie and Tiffany to have a little getaway too.  This hotel is nice because all of the rooms are suites with a living room, and a refrigerator and microwave.  You can upgrade to a suite with a full dining room, and kitchen too, but that would have been a little silly for us to do that.

 Fun Caribe Royale hotel poses

Dinner at the hotel.  I took my enzymes so that I could have pizza, and wow, this pizza had to have some secret ingredient in it.  It was far better than just pizza.  It had a nice kick to it.

 ....and FINALLY, on day 5 of my trip, was a trip to Disney World Epcot Center Park.  It had been years since I had been there.  We chose Epcot Center over the Magic Kingdom because the Magic Kingdom is more fun when you have kids around; at least I think so.  Epcot Center has Future World, and a World Showcase where they have authentic gifts, food cuisine, and actual people from each country represented working in each country.  Some countries have fun rides.  Norway has a great ride, my favorite, but of all days, that ride was having technical difficulties.  I was so disappointed not to be able to ride that one.  Oh well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  Here are some Disney pics at the Epcot Center.

 The big giant golf ball icon for Epcot is called Spaceship Earth.

 Ever wondered what is inside of the Spaceship Earth.....wonder not more.  :-)  It's one of the coolest rides and it is still just as cool and actually the same as it has been since the last time I visited.

Some fun live entertainment.....

The Universe of Energy is still there after all of these years, but it was not nearly as good as I remember.  It's a ride that takes you back in time to dinosaurs and there are wax dinosaurs that are lifesized that you pass by, but the ride was shortened, and the rest of the time a video was shown.  It use to be my second favorite ride there, but definitely not anymore.  It's still fun, just not as fun, and it's got more cheese added to it on top of the corn.  ;-)  The dinosaurs use to spray things on you as you passed them and lean in towards you, but not really anymore.

A few nice water scenes at Disney's Epcot.

Next, we left future world and headed to my personal favorite wing of the Disney Park, the World Showcase.  Below is Japan

 Next stop was Morocco.  I went a little bananas with the Moroccan hair fashion.  I confess, when I watched the movie, The Ten Commandments, I always loved the Queen's headpiece, and found a decent match in Morocco at Disney.  ;-)

Next Stop is France.  These guys were putting on a stunt show with chairs.

Next stop was Mexico.  They have a nice ride in Mexico that I remember, but our feet were hindering us at this time.  It was all we do to make it all around to all of the countries in the world showcase in one piece.  :-)

Next stop was Norway.  Norway has a boat ride that literally drops you down a waterfall, and this use to be my favorite Epcot ride, and of all days, it was broken down.  Oh well, as you can see I'm still not over missing out on that fun!  :-)

 Next stop was China.

The next stop is Italy.  That had really neat Italian music blaring in this Disney country.

 The next stop was the USA.  Yeah, there is actually a USA within the USA, at Disney World, anyway.  :-)

The next stop was Germany.
The next stop was the United Kingdom.

 The last stop was Canada.  Tiki Posts?.....I still don't get that.  I guess they must have that in Canada.

Once we left the world showcase we decided to not stay for the fireworks, but to head back to the Tampa area.  We were beat.  On the way out, I found a bench that I had sat on one of the years that my family visited Disney.  I would have been about three or four years old in this pic.  The bench is still in the same place, but they have added plants in the background, and I noticed that the pole is still in the background only it's moved a few feet.  That girl that was once three re-visited the same bench in her 30's now.  Pretty sentimental!
Flashback blast from the past on the same bench only I looked much happier this time around and photography has improved quite a bit in modern times.  :-)

Below are two more flashback blast from the past photos of my fam at Disney two separate years.....
.......and below is BACK TO the present with the trip that I just returned from........
Finally, we left Disney with a few souvenirs.  I decided to get this cute little plastic Disney mug for my niece, Sophia.
 ..and a little Disney fashion for Aunt Carolyn.  ;-)

It truly was a lovely and relaxing trip.  I'm thankful that God gave me that break, now it's back to living life in trying to become that jewel that is the goal.  Easier said than done!  Next stop:  not working camp at all, but looking forward to seeing PYC in action all around here.

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