Saturday, July 11, 2015

PYC 1st Sabbath Candid Shots

Every summer I really look forward to the PYC Sabbaths!  It's no secret that I'm not a natural athlete, and my PYC camper and counselor days are long over, so without any natural athletic talents, that means I have the still very blessed opportunity to work my regular job in the HOA office, but I miss the camp and campers during the week, so the weekends are great to see them.  It's such a blessing to be at HQ and have the opportunity to meet first time PYCers and see old PYC veterans.  The standards get better and better with the teens every year. They are so refreshing.  I took a few pics of campers and workers that I passed with my little camera phone in hopes that some of the parents and friends abroad who can't be here can see and hopefully feel a part of things. ABOVE:  Mr. S. Flurry let me take a pic from a pic he took in 1985 during SEP camp of Mr. Armstrong as he passed by him.  Enjoy the rest of pics!

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