Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Get Your Sophia Fix Today. :-)!

Who needs to buy me expensive toys when I can use my Aunt Carolyn as a drum.  Apparently, I'm still cute enough to get away with using her as a drum.  She doesn't seem to mind.  She even laughed at the idea herself on the second video and of course that gave me license to laugh too.

ABOVE:  Now I'm playing with a ziploc bag.  I'm easy to please.  Give me some paper or plastic, my Aunt's knee, and I'm set to play!  :-)
BELOW:  Trying to tell my Aunt something, but the words just won't come out yet, but she seems to understand me anyway.
BELOW:  Playing with my new Bible flash cards from my Aunt.

I should make a baby work out exercise video and see if it becomes a hit in baby households.  I see Grandma's walker way more than just a walker, it is a baby jungle gym and monkey bars all in one!
BELOW:  I think I'm going to play a percussion instrument.  I love the Maracas!  When you shake them they make a noise.

ABOVE:  In your face, Aunt Carolyn
BELOW:  Wishing Mommy would let me fly off the bed.  :-)

ABOVE:  That's not how the song goes at all Aunt Carolyn.  I'm going to tell Mommy you're not singing it right.  If you don't know how to sing my favorite children's song, then don't try to make it up, just don't try to sing it. :-)

 Why are you always stalking me with your camera phone Aunt Carolyn?
 ABOVE:  People say my personality seems to be like my Aunt Carolyn's, but I'm into working out way more than she is.  Maybe if I show her and grandma how fun it is to workout, they'll start doing it too.  :-)
BELOW:  I have teeth.  Look out world.  :-)

 ABOVE:  Loving this Mommy and daughter interaction photo!
BELOW:  Hi, Aunt CC, Mommy won't let me jump off of the bed, but maybe if I smile at you, you'll let me jump off.  ...and people think babies don't have functional minds.  :-)!

 Playing with Aunt Carolyn's homemade Bible Flash Cards.

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