Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Productive Weekend around the House

 This past weekend I caught the artistic bug.  All of my bedrooms were painted and decorated safari style except for the one that I call "The Leopard Room."  It was safari styled, but not up to the standards that I wanted.  My mom, who has been recovering in my home miraculously from a heart condition was resting most of last Sunday in not feeling that great recovering from a cold, so while she was resting, I took use of the time and decided it was "D-Day"....AKA "Decorating Day" for the Leopard Room.  I moved all of the furniture out.  Don't try that at home kids.  They don't make furniture for ladies to move, and being the weaker vessel I should have asked for help, but I was determined and didn't want to wait, a single woman thing, so I somehow moved it.  I'm sore now, but it got moved.  The next step was to pick the colors that I wanted, and then begin painting the walls. Before painting the walls though, I painted my desk glossy black.  I've had that desk since I was a later teen in college back in Texas.  No joke!  Originally, I had thought about finding another desk for a new look at a thrift store, but then the thought occurred to me to just paint it to give it a new look and to match the new decor, so that is what I did.....so I still have my old college desk...saved money.  Then, while the desk was drying I painted the room.  Next, I hammered in a piece of crown molding that had come loose from the top of the wall, then, instead of buying an outrageously over priced sheer voile scarf for the window, I used sheer fabric that I already had, sewed it together, and voila, a voile scarf for free.  The only thing that I bought other than paint was the brown and gold valence.  I already had bought the draper holders a long time ago.  My old plaid valence had to go.  Didn't match, but thanks to Wal-Mart's everyday prices, I got the new valence for only $4.00!  I hope that guests will enjoy this room better now.  It's not the inferior guest room anymore.  :-)  Below are pics of the finished new look, and then before and after pics.

The angled "fashion shot".  :-)

The Before Pics

 Breaking up the decorating, I made mom a power packed cold fighter power smoothie drink.  I put the blender on high pureeing fresh cut pineapple, oranges, blueberries, flax seeds, and fresh spinach.  I'm posting this more for myself to remember what I put in it.  :-)!  Then, put on the stove real chicken soup using chicken, chicken bones, and celery as the broth base instead of that fake bouillon or broth in a can.  I thought it turned out okay, but I could definitely made it more flavorful next time.  I put fresh garlic, white onion, and dried basil in it, but I'm still learning to season things for mom since she can't really have sea salt and other things that would otherwise be healthy for a non heart patient.  It's tough.
 Next room to tackle is the room that I call "The Fun Room".  This is the room I use to entertain kids when I have them over, and also to "display" my trophy's and metals that I achieved as a teen in junior high and high school.  One thing that I did awhile back was to take down my high school diploma and my college degree.  It's just a personal thing.  I know some people do it, and that's them, but for me, I thought I was being vain in displaying it, so I replaced where I had my degree and diploma hung with my family's old PCG hire PN articles and my ACBCC Correspondence Course completion certificate that I've had packed away since 2011.  My diploma and degree certainly helped me to be where I'm at now at HQ which is a HUGE life blessing, but my PCG hiring, and my BCC certificate are of far more value to me than the other two, so those are now hanging up on the wall.  The plan is to get nicer frames for these in the future, but I won't do that until I come up with a paint color scheme for the fun room so it will match. 
 Out with the degree and diploma and in with the certificate and articles!  :-)

Now, no one has to ask me as they pass my desk why I have yellow color in my hair.  This happened to me all day long yesterday at my desk.  Travis L. took the first below photo to show me how "bad" it is.  LOL!  I have washed my hair over and over, and I can't get the paint out.  I didn't have a wild weekend, LOL, I had a painting one.

 Today, on Tuesday, I got smart and am wearing a summer hat.  I was advised to try vaseline in my hair tonight, so I'll give it a whirl!

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