Monday, May 11, 2015

Sophia Keeping Us Entertained On Mother's Day

ABOVE:  Sophia impressed by Aunt CC's lip sound effects
BELOW:  Something about the ceiling is just so fascinating.  :-)

What are you doing, Aunt CC?  Can I come over and see?  Ready or not here I come.  :-)

Working on Standing Up.......Sophia is ready to go straight from just learning to crawl to walking.  She's a real go-getter. :-)  Maybe we should get her a baby walker her size instead of her thinking she can fit Grandma's adult size one.  LOL!

 Rocking out with a paper towel roll.  LOL!
 Daddy and Mommy are helping me to learn to walk.  Forget about this crawling business, I want to walk.  :-)

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