Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Latest Driving Miracle!

This happened to me about 4 weeks ago.  It was a Friday evening and I was on my way to Bible Study.  I exited the freeway and was almost to my destination.  It was the time of day where the sun was right in my eyes, and even with sunglasses I could barely see, but I kept driving.  I finally got to my final 4-way stop to turn onto Bryant Ave, but the sun was BLARING obnoxiously into my eyes impairing my vision to almost nothing.  I couldn't really see, so foolishly I just hit the gas and hoped no one was there.  Well, not only was a car there, but b/c I couldn't see I had turned too short and was turning right into the car there.  This is where the miracle happened.  I CANNOT explain how I did not hit the car.  People that know me know when I hit the gas petal I go.  There was not enough time or the vision there to correct my short turn and keep from hitting the car, but somehow, it was like an angel pushed my car over and it completely missed the other car.  (It is one of those "you would have had to be there moments to understand and fully grasp it.)  I actually put on my brakes b/c I was sure that surely I at least scraped the other car, and I didn't want to be a hit and run driver, but the other vehicle kept going, so I went on.  When I got to my destination and parked, I got out looking for at least a scratch on my car but NOTHING.  What a miraculous miracle!  Maybe I got some brownie points for being on my way to Bible Study too!  :-)!


  1. Wow Carolyn, that is stunning! Thank God He was with you!

  2. I can just see all this happening, and do believe that God had his angels watching over you, thanks for sharing this truly inspiring story that makes certain for sure that as long as we are with God he will always have our back, take care my sister and my love to the family
