Monday, December 10, 2018

Being an Aunt

 Babysitting the niece one evening after work.  She loves my shoes or as we call them...."shoezey-woozies".  :-)  She found my striped pumps and declared that they matched her striped shirt and walked about my house for awhile in them.  The girl has good fashion sense already.  :-)
Here are some funny Sophia sayings over the past two months.
One afternoon Sophia very randomly said this to me:
SOPHIA:  "Aunt Carolyn, why don't you work with Daddy?"
AUNT CAROLYN:  "I do work with Daddy.  You know that Daddy and I work in the same building."
SOPHIA:  "I mean why don't you work on computers with Daddy since you are in the same building?"
AUNT CAROLYN:  "Because Daddy was born 3.5 years before Aunt Carolyn was, and he took all of the technical genes in the gene pool and left the artsy genes.  By the time Aunt Carolyn Came along, the artsy genes were still left there and that is why Daddy works with the computers and Aunt Carolyn is the artistic one.  I can draw you a picture of a computer, or sing or play a song on an electronic music keyboard"
SOPHIA:  "Oh, I get it!"

Another Sophia Funny:  One evening I took Sophia out for a fun Aunt/Niece evening on the town.  We went out to eat, spent time with some friends, went and had ice cream.  When I was driving back home, Sophia actually said these words to me  "Are we going home now?  I've gotten just a little tired."  LOL!  I tuckered the young niece out in being the fun Aunt.  This is a first....usually I'm the one tuckered out after we've spent time together.  Apparently I really upheld an Aunt's reputation of being the fun one in the family.  LOL!

Another Sophia Funny:  Another time we were having Aunt/Niece time together is when I had a migraine headache one Sunday.  It was a dreadful headache, but spending time with the niece is always priority.  I couldn't do much but lounge around, and I admittedly still had my night cap on....not liquor for those who went gal here.....:-)  .......I mean a literal piece of clothing night cap  After seeing me with my night cap on, Sophia told me she thinks that night caps are neat, and when I asked her if she had one she responded with these words:  "No, I don't have one like Laura Ingalls, but I would like one."  She was referring to the old TV show Little House on the Prairie  About two weeks later, she told me that her mom had bought her one, so that we both were like Mary and Laura Ingalls.  She also told my mom...AKA her grandma that she could be Mrs. Olsen from the show.  My mom told her she did not want to be Mrs. Olsen.  (If you ever watched the show, Mrs. Olsen's character was mean...totally not like my mom.)  Anyway, Sophia answered her grandmother by saying, "I only want you to be Mrs. Olsen because she owns a store.  You can't be Mrs. Ingalls because she doesn't have a store."  "Mary and Laura need a store to sell eggs?"  (On the show, their mother would go into town and sell their farm chicken eggs to the Olsen's store.)  LOL  She then asked me to put on an episode of Little House.  I have to admit, it was fun watching I use to as a child myself.  My migraine turned into a funny thing.  :-)  Yeah to her parents for introducing her to Little House on the Prairie.  :-)

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