Monday, May 15, 2017

Mothers Day Pics

 We had a lovely Mother's Day in my home.  My dad bought her an ivy plant and jewelry, my brother and sister in law gave her pearls and a fern, and I gave her a gift card to get whatever she desires; and my mom deserves that special treat.  She has and is an amazing mom.  Though in poor health now, she still is amazing.  She's always been there for us, and been one of our number one cheerleaders in life, and she really has set a good example for me in doing her best to keep a close relationship with God in prayer in study.  I admire that so much.  We're at the age now where we realize we don't know how long either parent has left in this physical life, so you treasure the moments while they are still there, and then look forward to an even brighter future knowing you have to work hard to obtain that; but as the saying goes, action is always louder than words.

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