Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A "China Curio Cabinet" Type of Night. :-)

I'm so excited that Daniel Arnfield put together my oak cabinet for my china dishes.  It's about time those dishes received a home.  They were gifted to me last year and amazingly have not gotten broken, but I didn't want to risk it any longer and was blessed with this amazing cabinet on sale along with the amazing friends that helped me put it together.  Here are videos of a "fun night" of china cabinet fun!  ;-)  It was a "great excuse" to spend some time with family and friends.  :-)  A nice evening with my fam, the Wittsell's, Deepika, and handy man Dan.  :-)

ABOVE:  Sophia kept "begging" for me to play Pharrell Williams' Happy song over and over, literally, on my Ipad.  I played it about five or six times for her in a row; she clapped everytime it came on, yeah she did; until the adults were tired of it.  LOL!  Apparently, that is her new favorite song.
BELOW:  Hard working daddy's get exhausted, but their work never ceases.  :-)

ABOVE:  Dan works hard on the cabinet while Charles and Deepika break for a game of mini pool.
BELOW:  Charles fixing my chair that I've had for years.

ABOVE:  Sophia lets us all know she's hungry
BELOW:  Say Apple Juice.  Aunts can be annoying sometimes.  ;-)
BELOW:  Cabinet Progress
BELOW:  Cabinet Almost Finished

PHOTOS  from the evening......
 ABOVE:  Sophia is thinking, Daddy has his arm around me, but my arm won't quite reach Mommy!  :-)

 Charles fixed my chair while Dan started the cabinet.
 BELOW:  Sophia found Aunt Carolyn's empty, thankfully, party plastic champagne flute, and tried to suck out any remaining liquid remnant's that she could.  Fortunately, it was empty, but she kept asking for wine. We told her she couldn't have any, of course.  Too young my dear!  ;-)

 Dan finished it!  :-)
 BELOW:  I haven't put all of the china in yet, but I tested it out and put a few pieces in for the pic and to kind of get an idea of what I wanted.  I have five shelves to deal with.  Anyway, I look forward to being able to use the china more easily now on special occasions.  The cabinet is just another little physical blessing that won't last forever, but it will be fun to use it to serve family and friends while I have use of it.

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