Friday, September 12, 2014

Excited to Share Photos of My Niece, Sophia Juliet Coats!

 At the children's hospital!  Everyone was excited to see Sophia after DAYS of labor!

 In the hospital room with the family
 Here's the little princess.  She was a little sleeping beauty, but....
BELOW:  Aunt Carolyn woke her up, and she opened her eyes, and I was very happy to capture this priceless moment.  This was the first time she laid eyes on her Aunt Carolyn.  Looks like she's thinking, "Hey now, can't you see I was resting, but since you awakened me, I'm Sophia, who are you?"  Ahhh, priceless!  I'm in love!

 Dad and Mom with Sophia. They are just THRILLED to finally have a grand baby, understatement!  It made me happy to see my parents so happy!  Family is great!  I can't wait until everyone understands family the way God intended.  It's the most beautiful gift when done properly!
This photo made me laugh...It looks like she disapproves of my perfume and is covering her nose.  Cuteness!
 She seemed to like Aunt Carolyn's camera.  She would keep her eyes closed until she would see me pull out the camera, and then she'd open them wide.  ahhh!
 She even gave me a "smile!"  LOL  :-)!
Okay, Aunt Carolyn, I know you think I'm the cutest baby in the world, but haven't you taken enough photos of me yet?  ....okay, I'll keep my eyes open for one more photo.

 The new dad and mom with their little bundle of joy!  They are so blessed!
Grandma holding Sophia
 Grandpa holding Sophia!
 I sang lullaby's to Sophia and she fell completely asleep.  She seems to respond well to music.  Yeah!

BELOW:  going back in time, the below pic was taken by my brother yesterday after she was born.


  1. Awwww! Wow, she's a doll!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! To your parents, brother and sis-in-law, and Auntie Carloyn! She's so beautiful, Carolyn. I'm so happy to hear that she's here. Sorry she had to go through days and days of labor,'s so worth it! Can't wait to see more pictures! So happy to see the Coats family expanding!
    Love you guys!

  2. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Coats! She's a beautiful and healthy baby girl!


  3. We are very happy for Stephen and Sonia. Their life will never be the same, but oh so much more full and exciting.
    We are very happy also, that Willie and Delsia now have the grandchild they have waited so long for. Their hearts must be so full of joy and love that they could just burst wide open. Much love from Mike and Julia Yeary
