Monday, September 22, 2014

A Totally Unexpected Work Perk!

 Kyle Tremblay and my brother surprised me last Friday at work!  I totally was not expecting a new work computer, but, SURPRISE, ....they took my PC computer, which wasn't too shabby, and replaced it with an I MAC which suits my smaller sized desk and job better since the entire computer unit is the screen.  YEAH!!!  (No money was spent on it, it was a spare that was already around.)  I'm soooo thankful.  This is one of those posts where I contemplated whether to post or not, but I decided to.  Everyone can know what a great IT dept we have!  :-)  Hard working men!  The front desk now has more floor and desk space since the I MAC doesn't have to have speakers and other extra pieces of equipment to go with it!  Fortunately, I trained on macs back when I was in college majoring in graphic design, so I already know how it functions so differently from a PC, and can operate it just fine.  YEAH!
Now, I just have to make sure that I'm more productive at work.  I've learned from experience; when you're given much, more is always expected of you!  I don't take my job of being receptionist for granted.  It's a blessing.  It definitely can be one of those jobs that can be taken for granted just like the true God given role of a lady in today's crazy society, but it's a blessing b/c it's a job where a woman can be feminine's kind of like being a help meet and hostess to everyone else in the office.  There is my thought of the day.  :-)
I'm a happy gal w/an I MAC to work on now!  :-)  Thanks Stephen and Kyle!  :-)

 Bye, old computer!.....It served the front desk well for a few years!  :-)
IT men hard at work


  1. Thank you for posting it. It is a big blessing to have this great IMAC computer. I have this for more than a year and find this very helpful with simple uses : )
