Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One of my Fun & Random Artsy Posts!

Last night we had the first "real" run through stage rehearsal for David Musical.  It was fun though there's lots of rehearsing left to perfect, but it will be amazing to see what God can do with the entire cast to make this musical really pop, pun intended for Him.  If you stumble upon this blog and want to at our 20+ million venue..

B/c I'm artsy and love kiddos aka...I'm a little quirky......I probably think some things are funny when others don't, but here are a few things kids and friends said to me that cracked me up at practice....

Skye Malone:  "You're my best friend"....<gives me a hug>......"Well, except for Tasha (Eagle)."  "She's my very best friend, then there's you."
(It's okay, it's an honor to be second fiddle. :-) )
Tori Locher talking to Daniel Welsh:....."Who is your stage mom?" Daniel responding to Tori...."Miss Coats"  Tori's response..."You're lucky!"
(Kids are the ones who boost up my ego.  :-)  )
David Vejil:  "There are no stage dads."  "The family is breaking down already with no dads."

Mr. Malone:  "Stand shoulder to shoulder."  "Your shoulder should be touching the person's shoulder next to you."  My totally joking response to Mr. Malone was "Is that AC/PCG kosher?"  (In reference to my height I then said)......."I can't do shoulder to shoulder, but I can do shoulder to elbow."  
(Mr. Malone's wonderful to put up with my cheeziness!  :-)  )

Jordan Ellis:  (4 of us have what I call 5 second solos in a song and three of us, including myself were late coming in with the music, so when Jordan's solo came around instead of just trying to sing it in the wrong spot he said this to Mr. Malone in the most gentle, respectful, masculine tone possible which made it so funny....."ummmm, aren't we late."  Mr. Malone's response:  "they were all late."  

 Last weekend I finished...WOOHOO...jumping for joy.....the 10 people's costumes...aka tunics.....Mrs. Turgeon assigned me to sew.  Big thank you to my mom.  It's really cool how the work was divided amongst the seamstresses here.  Hats off to Mrs. Turgeon, Mrs. Heerma, and Mrs. Hyde who are doing the big star costumes among some other leading ladies.  Those ladies are amazing!!!  It's a real blessing and honor to be able to help out in this way, so BIG THANK YOU to Mrs. Turgeon for allowing me to serve in this capacity.  The opportunities that God gives us is incredible even in this physical life when we develop the talents that God has given us.  These are a few pics shown of the ones I sewed and labeled for each person for which they were each custom designed.

EXCITED to start sewing this costume tonight or tomorrow evening to help Mrs. Turgeon for Young Samuel character in David Musical. less thing she has to worry about  Happy to help!  She sets such a great example in always serving to the max.

   The above pic of Daniel Welsh has absolutely NOTHING to do with David Musical.  ha, ha...people would be expecting Daniel to bust out the drums on, no....this is the Welsh kids latest blessing.  A co-worker of their dad is into music and gave the kids this real nice drum set.  Awesome!  I think that someone might want to buy the parents a gift to go with this though....ear plugs!  :-)

 A few pics that I shot 1.5 weeks ago outside of my house when my yard was all beautiful and snow packed.  I have to admit, God's creation of snow is beautiful, but only if you're indoors taking the pics!  :-)!

 Random food posts....One morning decided to make egg casserole with whatever I had in my house..turned out yummy!

 homemade fried brown rice...not healthy, but yum!
 homemade pina colada.......pureed fresh pineapple and coconut in blender...etc...
Next project.....have a ton of left over fresh cranberries that I didn't use for Thanksgiving that I've had in my .......after David musical things are done......dehydrating cranberries and making homemade sugar free "craisins" in the dehydrator is on the agenda!  I'm excited!

Pics of Paulette's Corey's Formal Dress that she designed for the Singles Formal Dance coming up soon.  She doesn't want it shown before people see it in person.  It's beautiful...she could start her own design label if she wanted and had time!

 These pics are pics I took last summer when I designed and sewed this ottoman skin formal dress.  I think I will design and sew a shawl out of extra fabric I have leftover, and wear it to the singles formal event coming up soon.  Will try to get a pic of the look with the shawl at the actual event when/if I get it done in time.


  1. Thanks for the post! I love reading about the upcoming musical! How exciting! I also love the tidbits I get to hear about Jordan :-)

  2. Hey Anna. I'll try to make a point of posting more about Jordan. Your bro rocks!

  3. Hee hee! I think he rocks too :-) !!! And, HEY! GREAT job on the David musical! Fabulous performance!!!
