Monday, January 28, 2019

Sophia Time

My niece Sophia found/discovered my flute for the first time ever.  I had even forgotten about it.  When she found it; it made me realize I haven't played the flute since she's been born.  Wow!  I use to play it all of the time, but getting back into piano put the flute on the back burner for me I guess.  She has seen IA kids play the flute on stage in recitals and s.m. and was surprised and so excited to find that her aunt had one and could play it.  She blew the cobwebs out of it.  Being the age that she is, that means it has been that long since I've even gotten my flute out of it's case.  Wow!  She had me to try my best to show her how to get a sound out it, but I told her that her lungs probably hadn't developed strong enough yet to get a sound out it.  I remember, when first learning to play the flute, getting a sound out of it is the first big hurdle to playing it.  It's not easy for a beginner, but I have to give my niece props, she tried and tried, and finally realizing she was unable to blow it hard enough to make a real sound, she improvised and started making the sound with her vocal chords herself shown in the video below.  So cute!!!  Now, she told me that she wants to play the piano, the flute, and the violin, and continue with her ballet lessons too.  I told her she's always said she wanted to play the piano and the violin as it's hard enough to keep up two instruments at a time, but she said she wants to play the flute now too.  LOL. I think once she starts taking piano lessons to start with and learns how much you have to practice just on one instrument, her lists of instruments she wants to play will dwindle down quickly.  LOL!  Hit the play button to see the below video of Sophia attempting the flute.
After her "flute practice" she said she wanted to practice the piano.  This girl was on fire yesterday.    LOL!  Look at that smile.  Then she wanted to do dance moves.  Aunt Carolyn slept well last night, but it was all very fun Aunt/Niece time!  Thanks to her great parents for letting her have extended family time!

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