Friday, October 9, 2015

Gifts Galore! So Blessed!

 Wow!  I never expect FOT gifts as I've gotten bad about getting them myself.  I need to rekindle that habit, but this year a few friends spoiled me with gifts.  What lovely friends.  Gladys Welsh was so thoughtful and got the above skirt for me.  I saw the price tag on it and I can't believe how thoughtful that she was.  My Aunt gave me an (not pictured) outfit with the below card with money in it.  Wow...that is the gift of gifts.  Thanks to the Barkei's for the silver plated necklace.  Wow!  Thanks to Paula Powell for the gold and swavorski crystal earrings.  Thanks to Ramanda, a member from Alaska for the cool fashion earrings, and thank you to my "adopted" little brother, Justin Goodearl, for the almond and sea salt candy bar.  That was my sweetest gift.  :-)!  I'm so appreciative and want the world to know.  Thank you all for being so thoughtful to this gal!

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