Monday, April 22, 2019

A Few NTBMO Pics

 Thanks to my brother and sister in law for hosting a fabulous NTBMO!  Everything was great!  I'm guessing I'll probably be hosting again next year and am looking forward to that, but it was nice to be a guest and made it even more special to be with physical family as well as extended family.  The food was absolute 5 star restaurant quality, the decor was fit for royalty, and the conversation was inspiring.  The best part of everything all put together besides the physical aspects of everything mentioned above, was just being blessed to participate in serving each other on this special occasion raising the standard every year until we finally reach what we're celebrating.

 ABOVE:  Dan and Paulette.  Yes I'm a little biased b/c I've been friends with them for so long, but many others who haven't known them nearly as long think the same, so I have to say, they are amazing and they rock!  They are always serving others ahead of themselves, they seem to always put God at the center of their life, and they are sooooo kind to everyone!  The big book says let others lift you up, so I can compliment them since I'm not them.  :-)
BELOW:  The aunt trying to keep the niece happy when she got frustrated about something.

 We got Sophia a child's sewing machine to learn how to how sew as she's been wanting to learn.  I remember as a child, receiving a gift on this special occasion really made this evening stand out.  In fact, I confess, I still have the very first NTBMO gift I ever received.  It's old and broken down, but I can't part with it.  Since children only know and see the physical, it's proven in my family to be a nice way to get the kids excited about everything. it is no secret that I will never be in the technical department of HQ......  LOL  ...though my video skills are usually better than this, but I chalk it up to being exhausted from all of the effort leading up to the HD's, so I forgot to focus first before shooting, but it's a general overview of the royal evening spent with family.  Thanks to my brother and sister in law for hosting.