Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Few BIG THANKS are in Order!--Blessings Galore!

 I owe several family members and friends a BIG THANK YOU this week!
First off...THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Mr. Andrew McLain who is having a very busy week, but took time out to come out to my house today and fix my back door that broke two days ago where it wouldn't shut completely.  It was nice to come home to a fixed locked door.  He is an awesome brother in Christ.  I REALLY appreciate you fixing that so fast for me!  You set a fabulous example in serving others and I'm blogging for the world to know of your thoughtfulness and kindness.  :-)!  I'm appreciative!  He owns his own construction business.  To promote his business b/c of his kindness you can find him on Twitter @perfectpergola
 Thanks to Coleen Grenchik and Kelly Havens for leaving me the above shown gifts for staying on our property for 3 weeks.  I don't know if you all read my blog, but in case you do.....Red is my fav color, and I love the zebra shaped ring holder  THANK YOU!!!  I will definitely use these and can use the towels to serve others when I have them over for brunch or dinner.  THANK YOU again!
 Thank you VERY MUCH to the King Family from Australia who sent this gift via their daughter who was here at camp.  I will definitely use this regal candle holder when I have special guests over, and of course I will wear the necklace.  THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love gifts that I can use to serve or share with others. Made my day!
 THANK YOU to my cousin Alesia Walk for these gold and black and white designer dresses above and below.  That is sweet that you thought of me to send me such nice outfits that I would never be able to afford on my own.  I am one blessed gal.  Thank you!  For others reading this my cousin Alesia looks almost identical to me.  It's neat how God designed the gene pool in people and how sometimes even cousins look so much alike.

 Thank you MOM for the above business suit.  I LOVE and can't wait for fall to arrive to wear it.  You are so thoughtful, so a BIG public thanks to you so that everyone will know I have the best mother in the world!  :-)!
Even though this pic wasn't taken this week but earlier this month.  A BIG THANK YOU to my dad for always making sure my yard gets mowed. I really, really appreciate it!

 Thank you Aunt Mary, for the above and below business suits and skirts.  You have made my upcoming fall wardrobe complete.  Now I am in need of nothing.  I will never complain.  God has really been blessing me this week!  Thank you to the BEST Aunt in the world!
 Feminine pleats in the skirt to the suit shown above

Thanks to my buddy Gladys Welsh for two summer shirts.  One in which I wore to work yesterday as a matter of fact.  My camera just died, so I can't get a pic of it, but THANKS.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

VERY proud of these people! :-)

 My favorite "adopted nephew" Gianni Welsh...known him since he was three.....won the BIG award of Camper of the Session for his dorm AND MVP for Flag Football.  I was all yelling when they called his name.  ha, ha!  Above: his two little brother's Samuel and Daniel Welsh are so proud of him, they dressed like him, and they are holding his award plagues.  Yeah Gianni.  I'm VERY proud of you!  The Welsh kids have some fantastic parents!  Below is his camper of the session plague.
 Below:  My "adopted neice" Ansley Welsh...known the girl since she was two, and my favorite gal Ashlynn McLain...known the girl since she was born....were both in Sharalee Fraser's AMAZING dorm, and their dorm won the award of Dorm of the Session which means the ministry voted their dorm to be the greatest, though ALL of the dorms, from what I heard  anyway since I wasn't really involved with camp were tops this year!  Of course I love their counselor Sharalee Fraser, and Ansley and Ashlynn are "my two gals" so I shouted again with no shame, ha, ha when their dorm was announced.  Ashlynn also won one of the teen talent awards as shown.  I felt like I was in high school again at a pep rally.  I'm proud of all of them!!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

CCoatsOfManyColours! Projects In the Making

 Summertime this year has been busy and there hasn't been time to accomplish everything on the "to do" list, but here's a few projects I'm currently working on this week.  A new mans bow tie design obviously unfinished, and I promised some of the teen girls at camp that I would make them flower hair pieces by next Sabbath, so I have to keep my word..  

Soul Food Night!

  Last Sunday a group of friends got together for a soul food night at the Lamberth's house.  Everyone brought a soul food dish...kind of "potluck" style.  The friends there were the Lamberth's obviously, theWelsh family minus Gianni and Ansley who are campers at PYC, Tiffany Watson, Rhonda Davis, and myself.
 Cute pic of Daniel Welsh w/his dad
 Rhonda Davis and Mr. Lamberth chat
 Danielle Lamberth and Rhonda getting ready for chow time.
 Samuel Welsh trying to avoid my camera as always.  :-)
 Daniel Welsh happy after eating dinner.  You can see his empty plate.  :-)
 It's annoying that this pic came out blurry of Sean and Gladys Welsh
 Mr. Lamberth and Danielle
 Tiffany Watson smiles after dinner
 The soul food.  Everyone made fun of me making and bringing gluten free fried chicken. aka...coating with brown rice flour.... Still trying to keep it healthy.

 Danielle's fab dessert
 The Welsh boys are SO helpful...they are always like this.  Samuel volunteered to help Danielle with the dishes all on his own which is a norm for him and all of his siblings.  The Welsh's great parenting really shows in ALL of their kids.

 Everyone getting ready to watch a movie

A Few Pics From This Past Weekend

 I did more talking than photo shooting this past weekend, but I managed to take a few shots.  ABOVE:  Camper Olivia Alvord and PYC assistant BB/VB Sports Instructor Danielle Underwood took a moment to pose.
 PYC assistant Cycling Instructor Victoria Terrell took a moment to pose with campers Errma Wilson and Rishanna Cheek.  Lovely ladies!
 These camper boys fellowshipped with my parents for a long time.  I didn't want to interrupt, and I don't know their names.
 Lovely Assist. Counselors Victoria Lancaster and Jessica Dalton.
 PYC camper...aka my "adopted" neice...Ansley Welsh poses with her mom Gladys.
 An old PYC eagle that PYC campers signed back in 1998 was on display in the AA lobby.  The now 30 something year old adults who were teens back then were all looking for our names on it.  Ummm....mine was easy to find.  I appear to be the only one who signed in a BOLD sharpie.  ha, ha!  I might as well have written I WAS HERE on it.  :-)!

 Megan Jenkins checks out the eagle and decided to pop into my shot.  Turned out to be a really cute shot!
 Nothing to do with PYC, but I FINALLY got a pic of Deborah Smythe and her son Alexanter later on that evening at Olive Garden restaurant.  I haven't had time to photoshop out my shadow that you can see, but of course I will.  Honorable mention of Alexander.  He is such a little gentlemen and a big helper to his mom.  From what I saw this weekend he is definitely going to grow up to be a REAL man.  Wow, I was impressed.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just A Few Random Shots I Took 1st PYC Sabbath

 Used the ole trusty cell phone to capture a few moments this Sabbath of the PYC teens.  They seem VERY enthusiastic, friendly, and eager to serve more so than ever.  A few of the workers said this is by far the best PYC.
ABOVE:  Chrissy Dattolo, yeah, she's old enough to be a camper at camp, took time out to take a pic with her wonderful big sister Rachel!  Love this shot of them!

 Some of my favorite gals got together mostly from dorm 4G, but I think Erica Amos is from another dorm.  I've known Ashlynn McLain since she was born, Ansley Welsh since she was two, and Erica since she was born.  The other gals are campers from out of town.  I can't remember their names, but anyone is welcome to help me out if you know them.  :-)  
 Had to get another pic of Ansley w/her new friends at camp.  Her mom is one of my best gal pals, so Ansley has become my adopted neice over the years.  :-)  I'm very happy that she and the rest of the campers have this great opportunity in their lives to attend camp.
 Acknowledgement pic of two TEXAN, go Texas!, teens that I've known since they were ity bity!  Adrienne Grenchik and Cheyenne McGuire...2nd from lt and furthest rt.  Also in the pic is one of the lovely Monsalve sisters whom I always mix up their first name b/c the sisters look so much alike, and we have the wonderful Brandon Szabo and Corey Szabo.
 It looks like the Szabo cousins want everyone to know they are related; even both wore blue ties.  Adrienne wins the award for not moving an inch in between my two pic takes.  :-)
 I officially know a teen from Hong Kong.  Can't spell his name, but he is the first person that I now know in person from Hong Kong.  What a blessing that he was able to make it this far to PYC!  
 The fact that Grant Turgeon is a counselor at PYC this year makes me realize the years that have gone by. WOW!  I'm sure the boys in his dorm are very blessed to have such a caring counselor.
 I took this pic for Mrs. King in Australia.  2nd from right is her daughter Lailani King.  I met her and her AMAZING FAMILY back in 2007 when I visited Australia.  Thrilled that she's here attending PYC in America as a teen now.  Christine <sp?> Yocum on left end, and not sure of the girls names in between.
 Miss Hawkins poses with some of her campers!  As always campers call their counselors and workers by last name to respect the office of counselor.  Proud of my friend being a role model to the 12 gals in her dorm.  Way to go Jamie!
 Here is them all together...The sun killed this pic though, but oh well!
 I had to get a "duet" photo of Ashylnn McLain at her first PYC ever posing with my other fav gal Erica Amos.  Still in shock that Ashlynn's old enough to be a camp!  What happened to the little girl I use to babysit.
 Lancaster sisters spending precious time together.  Their family is so close.  I love that!
 Oops, so the sun killed this pic, but in the back is Caleb Heerma, Gianni Welsh who told me today that he has a "very impressive" part in the abbreviated PYC version of the David Musical to be performed in two weeks before camps end by the teens.  Don't know the gals from out of town in the back.  Up front we have Seth Malone and Zechariah Henderson.
 ...and we have the other lovely Monsalve sister...again I will refrain for using the first name lest I mix her up with her sister, and we all know the Tunales' daughter from Texas.  Another post for a Texan teen that I've known since she was little.
 I took this pic for Stephanie's mom.  Stephanie Szabo poses with Alexa Turgeon.  Alexa did a great job accompanying the choir today.  That has got to be nerve racking playing knowing that everyone is depending upon you.  Tons of young talent!
 I really like this pic of Tasha Eagle and Skye Malone.  Below it looks like what goes around comes around.  Looks like I was challenged to a camera dual!