I have been slack about posting to my blog everyday over the past 2 weeks. That's b/c I've been a little sick with something that I just finally recovered from this past weekend. Yeah I'm all better now! It has been a rough at least past 1.5 weeks, no sugar, no nothing! Wow, eating healthier now so I never get ill, was nothing contagious, just from slacking down with my diet, like that again. I was unable to finish designs etc, the only thing that I accomplished was the one wedding veil tha I posted earlier this week. Last night I whipped my house back into shape; I'm a neat freak everything has to be in place and after being sick I had a lot of cleaning to do. Also last night I begin....drum roll please.....my very first herb garden. That is my very first herb garden as an adult! As a child I lived in Texas and we had a lot of land and always had huge gardens, but as an adult I've never made the time to do so, but it's healthier to grow things organically at home, and stuff in grocery stores are so outrageously expensive, and then getting sick from letting my diet go that I decided to grow my own herbs....indoors. I have a huge kitchen window, so I was able to put everything in my window, now I just hope my efforts will be blessed and that I will produce good, plentous, and healthy herbs. I have sage, oregano. basil, cilantro, dill, chilves, peppermint, and then outside planting serrano peppers and watermelon! So excited. The melons should be ready come September for a fall harvest, but the herbs will start producing as early as next month if I treat them properly, SO with that said, my fashion designs, and my Scents of Happiness making has suffered along w/me recovering. While I was down, I did begin another business adventure, a culinary one that is still in the making. I love desiging food as much as other things, so I'm making my own second recipe book for sale. I tend to love spice, aka food with a spicy tasty kick to them being from Texas as well as great looking food thanks to growing up with a dad whose a chef, SO NEXT WEEK I will catch up with my fashion designs. Thanks for you all understanding my slack in posting and designing. Here is a photo of my new indoors window sill herb garden. I'm so excited!!! Will be back to fashion desiging regularly next week. Stay tuned!